================================================================================================================================================ Bevent Rasch Product data ================================================================================================================================================ The newest file: Bevent_Rasch_25a.qpd For MagiCAD version: 2020 -> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - supply air devices - exhaust air devices - flow dampers - fire dampers - silencers - roof hoods - other duct components This file contains the update history of the named datafile since 1999.08 (Rcl99.qpd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date Product Changes in brief 23.01.2025 Fire dampers 3D Geometry updated for MagiCAD installation point function BSK6 BSK6R BSK6-VAP BSK9 BSK9R BSKC6R BSKC6-VAP BSKC9 BSKC9R Optimus60-VAP Optimus60 Optimus60R RABR-1 RABR-3 RABRR-1 RABRR-3 RABR-VAP-1 RABR-VAP-3 29.11.2024 DELTA-UD Removed from database DELTA-AD DELTA-KD BRTH BRFH BRIH BRKH BRYV BRRA BRKD BRID Outdoor exhaust air device Added to database DELTA-EH Outdoor supply air device 3D Geometry update DELTA-UH 16.09.2024 Fire dampers 3D Geometry updated for coming MagiCAD version BSK6 BSK6R BSK6-VAP BSK9 BSK9R BSKC6R BSKC6-VAP BSKC9 BSKC9R Optimus60 Optimus60R RABR-1 RABR-3 RABRR-1 RABRR-3 RABR-VAP-1 RABR-VAP-3 29.05.2024 Sileners Data corrected LFAL-600-200-1200 LFAL-600-200-900 LFAL-600-200-600 LFAL-600-250-600 LFAL-600-250-900 LFAL-600-250-1200 Added to database 08.05.2024 Optimus60-VAP Added to database 07.11.2023 Optimus60 Added to database Optimus60R 27.07.2023 DELTA-CK 3D geometry updated for Plugin DELTA-KH DELTA-KD DELTA-RK 29.05.2023 DELTA-CK 3D geometry updated 27.04.2023 DELTA-CU Added to database DELTA-CK BRNF 23.06.2022 BRTK Updated 22.03.2022 BSKC9 Added to database BSKC9R BSK9 BSK9R RABR-VAV BSK6R Spelling error corrected in English description 29.06.2021 DELTA-RA Added to databae DELTA-RK Moved to Expired group, description updated changed product code to "Expired and replaced" BRKH BRFH BRIH BRRA 11.05.2021 Model updated, weight added, Electrical data added, lengths changed for sizes RABCR<400 RABC (fire damper) RABCR (fire damper) RABCR (flow damper) 29.03.2021 All products Market Area, web links, weblinks for Sweden updated 13.01.2021 All Climecon products Removed from the database RABRR-1400-300-3 Restored 10.11.2020 BVAPd-1 Pressure drop and sound data updated 27.10.2020 BRYV Moved to Expired group, description updated changed product code to "Expired and replaced" 23.10.2020 Moved to Expired group, description updated changed product code to "Expired and replaced" BVAP-1 BVAP-3 BVAV-1 BVVM-1 BVVM-3 03.09.2020 CALIGO Added to database 19.03.2020 BRKH Remove size 1800 and 2000 BRIH Remove size 1800 and 2000 BRFH Remove size 1800 and 2000 RABR-3 Model updated, description updated RABR-3 with wall duct Model updated, description updated BRTB-4 Remove size 100 BRTC-4 Remove size 100 BVAFR Model updated BVAV-3 Model updated BVAVd-3 Model updated RABR-VAP-1 Model updated, description updated RABR-VAP-3 Model updated, description updated RABRR Product code updated, description updated BRIGR Added to database BRIGC Added to database DELTA-DA Added to database DELTA-DU Added to database BRDA Removed BRDI Removed DELTA-KH-800 Sound data added 07.02.2020 BRDA Product Code corrected BRDI BRBA 3D geometry updated BREA BRSF BRTE DELTA-KH DELTA-AD DELTA-UD DELTA-KD BRIH BRSI BRTH BRTF-600 Dimensions corrected 17.04.2019 BRDJ-100 Added to database LFAS-L BRBH Added new sizes BRSK Technical data updated BRSI BRYL LFAC-1 Added pressure drop LFAC-3 LFAS-1 29.03.2019 Duct size corrected BRJS-1-300x900 BRJS-3-300x900 04.01.2019 HRSI Data for 2D symbol updated 24.07.2018 3D geometry and dimensions updated BRTF BRTG 12.06.2018 Added to database Flow dampers BVAPd-1 BVAPd-3 HRSI Other duct components BVVMd-1 BVVMd-3 Fire dampers FIDs Fire dampers Technical data updated BSKC6R BSKC6-VAP BSK6 BSK6R BSK6-VAP Outdoor/Exhaust types Size 250 added BRYA-2 Silencers Size range updated LFAL-900-1 LFIK-1-1200-1 LFIK-1-1500-1 LFIK-1-1800-1 LFIK-1-900-1 LFIV-1-*-*-*-300-300 LFIV-1-*-*-*-600-600 LFIV-3-*-*-*-300-300 LFIV-5-*-*-*-300-300 LFIK-1-600-1500-1200-1 Product code updated SPI Removed 08.05.2018 BVAFR-600-200 Duct size corrected 21.03.2018 Added to database DELTA-AD DELTA-KD DELTA-UD Outdoor hoods Descriptions updated 22.08.2017 Flow dampers Coonnection size corrected BRJC-1 BRJC-2 BRJC-3 BRJC-4 BRJB-1 BRJB-2 BRJB-3 BRJB-4 BRJS-1 BRJS-3 BVAVd-3 BVAV-3 Other duct components BRJV-1 26.04.2017 Data for 2D symbol updated Flow dampers BRJS-1 BVAV-3 BRJS-3 BVAVd-3 BRJB-1-1 BRJB-2-1 BRJB-3-1 BRJB-4-1 RABRR RABR-VAP-1 BVAP-3 BRJC-1 BRJC-2 BRJC-3 BRJC-4 BVAFR RABR-VAP-3 Fire dampers RABR-VAP-1 RABR-VAP-3 RABRR-1 RABRR-3 Other components: BVVM-3 BRRM 01.03.2017 Added: BRBH BRJV Updated: BVAV-3 BVAVd-3 BRRM BVVM-3 BRJS BVAP-3 BVAFR RABRR RABR-VAP RABCR RABC-VAP RABC-VAV BRTH BRJC BRJB DELTA-AH DELTA-KH DELTA-UH Climecon products Updated 21.10.2016 BVVM-1 Support for 2D symbol added 13.06.2016 BRDA 3D geometry updated BRKD BRKH BRSK DELTA-KH 25.05.2016 Added to database FIDs DELTA-AH DELTA-KH DELTA-UH BRJS-1 BRJS-3 FIDi-250 FIDb-250 FIDm-250 SPI-800 RABR-VAP-L RABRR-L BSK6-VAP BSK6R BSKC6-VAP BSKC6R LFAJ BRBO BRYH Updated BVAVd-LD-1 BVAVd-LD-2 BRTF BRTG BRJA Removed Climecon products Updated Many products Descriptions, Market Area, weblinks updated Fire dampers Geometry updated 11.03.2016 Sound attenuation added, Product Code updated BVAV-LD-1 BVAV-LD-2 05.11.2015 BRJO Geometry in 2D mode corrected BRKH-600 Duct position corrected Climecon products Weblink updated 23.09.2015 LFIV 3D geometry updated 12.06.2015 BRTF-1000-1-*-0-3 Added to database BRTF-1000-1-*-0-3 01.06.2015 RABR-VAP 3D geometry updated RABRR RABR RAER 28.05.2015 RABR-VAP More sizes added RABRR RABR 30.04.2015 BRJO-1-100 Added to database BRJO-1-125 BRJO-2-100 BRJO-2-125 RABC-VAP RABR-VAP RABRR BRTF-*-6 BRYI Added as exhaust type BRYL BRKD Added as outdor type BRKH BRSK BRVAA BRYJ-1 BRYJ-2 BRTO Updated BRTR BRAD BRBA BRDA BRDJ BRFH BRKA BRKD BRKH BRJA BRJB BVAV-LD-2 BVAVd-LD-2 RABC RABCR BRYI BSK120 BRRM BVVM BRMS BVAFC BSK6 BSKC60 Removed 20.10.2014 RAER 3D geometry added 09.10.2014 BSK6 Added to database as fire damper RABR Product range updated BRMR Technical data updated BSK60 Removed from database 19.09.2014 LFAC Added to database as silencers LFAL LFAS LFIK LFIV DINO-A Added new 3D geometry for MagiCAD for Revit 2013.11 DINO-A-CVA-CSP DINO-A-CVA-CSP-LO OLOi+PAK OLOi-Z+PAK ILO+TAK ILO-Z+TAK OLE+TAK OLE-Z+TAK OLO+TAK OLO-Z+TAK EKE-RAS-1 EKE-RAS-2 ELO+PTE-1 ELO+PTE-2 KIO LEK LEK+TAK LOK LOK+TAK REK REK+TAK ROK ROK+TAK MAK+KL MAK+KL+TAK MAK MAK+TAK MAP+KL+TAK MAP+TAK MIK 1 MIK 2 MIS-1 MIS-2 MOT+TAK OKA+VAL OKE+VAM OKE+VAL OKI+VAM OKI+VAL RAN-1 RAN-2 RATT RITT RON 1 RON 2 RONDO+VAL SET+VAL TOF TOF+KL TOF+KL+TAK TOF+TAK 27.01.2014 BRYV-2000-900 Sound data corrected 15.11.2013 BRTO mooved to supply&extract air device BRTR BVAVd-3 Added as flow damper BSKC6 Added as fire dampers RABC BRTG,BRTF Product code changed BSKC1, BSKC60K, Deleted from database RABD, RABRR 19.09.2013 OLOi Added as extract air devices OLOi+PAK OLOi-Z OLOi-Z+PAK VIP VIP-S DINO-A Added as supply air devices DINO-A-CVA-CSP DINO-A-CVA-CSP-LO DINO-K DINO-K-CVA-CSP DINO-R DINO-R-CVA-CSP DINO-T DINO-T-CVA-CSP ILO ILO+TAK ILO-Z ILO-Z+TAK LINO-W OLE OLE+TAK OLE-Z OLE-Z+TAK OLO OLO+TAK OLO-Z OLO-Z+TAK RINO-V ROL-500 ROL-0-500 ROL Technical data updated ROL+ROL-S BVHR Removed from database BVKR PLAN PLAN-AK RALP RXA RXA-K 02.08.2012 BRJO-1 Added to database BRJO-2 BRJO-3 BRVAA BRVHA BRVKA BRYC BVAV-1-630 BVAV-2-630 BVAVd BVAVd-LD BRRB Changed class type to Exhaust BRYG Removed from database 16.03.2012 Added products from Climecon database 03.11.2011 BRKH Duct position corrected 09.09.2011 Added support for MagiCAD Revit 2010.11 02.09.2011 BRAD Added support for MagiCAD Revit BRTH BRYA-21 BRJA-1 BRJA-2 BRJA-3 BRJA-4 BRJB-1 BRJB-2 BRJB-3 BRJB-4 BRJC-1 BRJC-2 BRJC-3 BRJC-4 BVAP-3 RABRR BRID RABC RABD RABR RABRR RAEC RAER BRRM BVVM-3 01.08.2011 BRRM Duct sizes corrected 30.06.2011 BREA-*-1-EI30-R Added to database BREA-*-1-EI60-R BREA-*-1-0-1-FLANGE BRYV-*-*-1-0 Added as exhaust type BREA-*-1-0-1 Removed 04.03.2011 BVAFC Added to database BVAFR FIDm FIDb BVAV-1 Length changed BVAV-2 BRBA Sound data added BRBA-800 Pressure drop corrected BRMS Changed to flow damper BVHR Removed 22.10.2010 BRYV More sizes added to database BRTA-2 Products with different air tighetness calsses added BRTA-3 BRTB-2 BRTB-3 BRTB-4 BRTC-2 BRTC-3 BRTC-4 BRJA-2 BRJA-3 BRJA-4 BRJB-2 BRJB-3 BRJB-4 BRJC-2 BRJC-3 BRJC-4 04.10.2010 RABCR Description texts updated RABRR 29.09.2010 RABC-VAV Added to database as flow damper RABCR RABRR FIDi Added to database as fire damper 15.09.2010 BRTK New sizes added to database BRTF BRTG BSKC60-100 Added to database BSKC60K-100 FIDi Sound data added, class type changed to Flow damper RABC-VAV Length corrected 04.06.2010 BSKC60K Added to database FIDi RABC-VAV BRMS Length corrected BSKC60-100 Removed from the database 02.03.2010 Added support for MagiCAD Revit 16.12.2009 BRAD Added to database BRDA BRKD BRLH BRRA BRYH BRDI BRID BRKA BRYL BRTK BRRB BRFH Updated BRSF BRIH BRSI BRKH BRSK BREA BRKA BRTE BRYV 09.06.2009 BSKC60 Added to database BRKA BRRM BVAP-1 BVAP-3 BVVM BRMR BRMS BRYJ AEC RAER BRJA Geometry updated BRJB BRJC BVAV-LD-1 BVAV-LD-2 BSKC1 RABC RABD RABR BREA BRTH BRYA BRYG BRYI BRYV BRTO RABCR Product code updated (old BRSS-c) RABRR Product code updated (old BRSS-R) BRTA Technical data updated BRTB BRTC BRBA Dimensions corrected BRSF Dimensions corrected BSK120 Devided into two product families Many products Description texts and market area updated 29.10.2007 All products Product codes changed BSK60 Added to database BRSS-C BVAV-1 BVAV-2 BVAV-3 SPI BRTF More variants added, Geometry updated BRTG BSK120 Replaces BSK4, Geometry updated BRTA-1 Geometry and technical data updated BRTA-2 BRTA-3 BRTB-1 BRTB-2 BRTB-3 BRTC-1 BRTC-2 BRTC-3 BRTR More sizes added, Geometry updated BRYC Removed from database BRPF BRPI 06.06.2007 Roof hoods Class types changed to exhaust and outdoor Louvres 11.12.2006 BSK4-*-* Circular duct size 800,1000 added to database 07.04.2005 BSK4-*-*-1-1 Technical data corrected BRTG-*-3-1-0-1 System changed BRTF-*-1-0-1 17.02.2005 BRBA-1500-1-0-1 Technical data corrected Many products Geometry updated 16.09.2004 BRKH-*-1-0 Added to database BRPI-*-1-0 BRSI-*-1-0 BRTF-*-1-0-1 BRTG-*-3-1-0-1 BRTO-1-*-1-0 BRTR-*-*-1-1-0 BRYI-*-*-1-0 BRYV-*-*-1-0 BVAV-LD-1-*-* BVAV-LD-2-*-* BRPF-*-1-0 BRSF-*-1-0 BRSK-*-1-0 BRYV-*-*-1-0 BSKC1-*-1-1-1 BRIH-*-1-0 Updated BRTE-*-*-1-0 BRBA-*-1-0-0 BRDJ-*-1-0 BRFH-*-1-0 RABC-*-1-1 RABD-*-*-1-1 BSK4-*-*-1-1 BRAC-*-1-0 Removed 13.06.2002 Manufacturer =RCL Moved to RCL_Don database 09.01.2002 SET+VAL Added to database 04.01.2002 OKI+VAL, OKI+VAM, KIK, KIP Added to database 20.11.2001 OKO, SLIM, Added to database MAP, MAN, MEP, MIS, MIV, ROF, MAN+TAK, MAP+TAK, ROF+TAK, OKE+VAM, EKA RXA, SOT updated 16.08.2001 RAN Dimensions updated 26.01.2001 Productcodes updated 25.08.2000 BRTG Removed RALS Added 22.08.2000 BRAC, BREA, Added BRIH, BRTE, BRTH, BRYA, BRYG, BRBA, BRDJ, BRFH, BRTG, BRYC, BRJA, BRJB, Added BRJC, BRTA, BRTB, BRTC BSK4, BABC, Added BABD, BABR 08.06.2000 RUL, OKE, REK, Added ROK, RAT, RIT, RJZ, EKE, EKO, PLAN, SOT RIL, ROL, VAL, Updated ELO, ELO/PTE 29.03.2000 BVHR Shape changed eof---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------