================================================================================================================================================ Belimo Product data ================================================================================================================================================ The newest file: Belimo_25a.qpd For MagiCAD version: 2020 UR-2-> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - stop valves - balancing valves - other valve types - other pipe component type - 3-port valve - actuators - controllers - probes and buttons This file contains the update history of the named datafile since 2015.06 (Belimo_15a.qpd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date Product Changes in brief 29.01.2025 Database fixes 31.10.2024 Zone valves Products renamed and 3D geometry updated H2..S-.. H2S H4..B H4B H6..N H6N H6..R H6R H6..S H6S H6..SP H6SP H6..W..-S7 H6W-S7 H6..X..-S2 H6X-S2 H6..X..-SP2 H6X-SP2 R6..Rxx-B.. R6Rxx-B R6..W..-S8 R6W-S8 Stop valves Products renamed and 3D geometry updated D6..N PN16 D6N PN16 D6..NL PN16 D6NL PN16 D6..W PN16 D6W PN16 D6..WL PN16 D6WL PN16 R6..R-B.. R6RB 3-port valves Products renamed and 3D geometry updated H3..S-.. H3S H5..B H5B H7..N H7N H7..R H7R H7..S H71*S H7..W..-S7 H7W-S7 H7..X..-S.. H7X-S H7..Y..-S.. H7Y-S R7..R-B.. R7R-B R7..Rxx-B.. R7Rxx-B Products renamed D7..L PN16 D7 PN16 D7..L/BAC PN16 D7*/BAC PN16 EV..F+BAC EVF+BAC EV..F+KBAC EVF+KBAC EXT-EF-.. EXT-EF locking valve EXT-EF-..E EXT-EF-*E temperature measurement ball valve H6..W..-S7+GV H6W-S7+GV H7..W..-S7+GV H7W-S7+GV R4..D(K) R4xxD(K) R4..D(K)+2xZR45.. R4xxD(K)+2xZR45.. Removed from the database EXT-R2-B*-PW H20*X-S H30*X-S Many products Weight and description updated 16.08.2024 Zone valves Added to database C2..Q-..+2xZR23.. C2..QFL-..+2xZR23.. C2..QP-..+2xZR23.. C2..QPT-..+2xZR23.. C3..Q-..+3xZR23.. C4..Q-..+2xZR45.. C6..QP+BAC+2xZR23.. EP..R-R6+BAC+6xZR23.. EP..R2+BAC+ZR23..+EXT-EF-..F EP..R2+KBAC+ZR23..+EXT-EF-..F EV..R2+BAC+ZR23..+EXT-EF-..F EV..R2+KBAC+ZR23..+EXT-EF-..F EV..R2+MID+ZR23..+EXT-EF-..F R2..xx-S..+2xZR23.. R30..-..-..-B..+6xZR23.. R3015-..-..-B1+6xZR23.. R4..+2xZR23..modulating R4xxD(K)+2xZR45.. Stop valve Added to database D7 PN16 R2..-S..+2xZR23.. R4..+2xZR23..open-close R4..D(K)+2xZR45.. 3-port valve Added to database C3..Q-..+3xZR23.. C5..Q-..+3xZR45.. EV..R3+MID EV..R3+BAC+2xZR23..+EXT-EF-..F EV..R3+MID+2xZR23..+EXT-EF-..F R3..+3xZR23.. R3..-BL..+3xZR23.. R3..xx-S..+3xZR23.. R5..+3xZR45..modulating R5..+3xZR45..open/close C2..Q-.. C2Q product renamed and 3D geometry updated C2..QFL-.. C2QFL product renamed and 3D geometry updated C2..QP-.. C2QP product renamed and 3D geometry updated C2..QPT-.. C2QPT product renamed and 3D geometry updated C3..Q-.. C3Q product renamed and 3D geometry updated C4..Q-.. C4*Q-K product renamed and 3D geometry updated C5..Q-.. C5*Q-J product renamed and 3D geometry updated C6..QP+BAC C6QP+BAC product renamed and 3D geometry updated EP..R-R6+BAC EP-R6+BAC product renamed and 3D geometry updated EV..R2+BAC EVR2+BAC product renamed and 3D geometry updated EV..R2+MID EVR2+MID product renamed and 3D geometry updated EV..R2+KBAC EVR2+KBAC product renamed and 3D geometry updated EV..R3+BAC EVR3+BAC product renamed and 3D geometry updated R2..-S.. R2S product renamed and 3D geometry updated R2..xx-S.. R2-S product renamed and 3D geometry updated R3.. R3 product renamed and 3D geometry updated R3..-S.. R3-BL product renamed and 3D geometry updated R3..xx-S.. R3-S product renamed and 3D geometry updated R30..-..-..-B.. R3-B2 product renamed and 3D geometry updated R3015-..-..-B1 R3015-B1 product renamed and 3D geometry updated R4..open/close R4 product renamed, variant list and 3D geometry updated R4..modulating R4(k) product renamed, variant list and 3D geometry updated R4..D(K) 3D geometry updated R4xxD(K) R4xxD product renamed and 3D geometry updated R5..open/close R5 product renamed and 3D geometry updated R5..modulating R5(k) product renamed, variant list and 3D geometry updated Many products weight updated EP050R2+BAC-N Removed from the database EP050R2+KBAC-N R505K R506K R507K R508K R509K R405K R406K R407K R408K R409K R429 R430 05.06.2024 R2..xx-S.. Moved to zone valve R4xxD(K) R2..-S.. Moved to stop valve R4..D(K) 16.02.2024 Updated Probes and buttons 22PDP-185, 22PDP-186, 22PDP-189 15.02.2024 Added to database Stop valves EXT-EF locking valve EXT-EF-*E temperature measurement ball valve D7..WL/BAC Zone valves EP..R2+BAC EP..R2+KBAC Mixing units C215QPT-B-11A C215QPT-B-21A C215QPT-D-11B C215QPT-D-21B C220QPT-F-11CG C220QPT-F-21C C220QPT-G-21D Controllers P-22RT..-1900A-1 P-22RT..-1900D-1 Probes and buttons 22HL-10 22PDP-185, 22PDP-186, 22PDP-189 Updated Other pipe component 22WP Zone valve C2Q H2S 3 port valves C3Q H3S Removed from the database EPF+KMP EPF+MOD EPF+MP EPR+KMP EPR+MOD EPR+MP 15.05.2023 Moved to zone valve EP-R6+BAC H20*X-S H2S H4B H6N H6R H6S H6SP H6W-S7 H6W-S7+GV H6X-S2 H6X-SP2 R2S R3015-B1 R3-B2 R4(k) R6R-B R6W-S8 Moved to stop valves R4xxD R2-S D7/BAC PN16 Removed from zone valve, stop valve decription updated 12.10.2022 22PE-1U Added to database 22PE-1UHH 22PEM-1U 22PF-1U 22PF-1UHH C6QP+BAC EVR2+BAC EVR2+KBAC EVR2+MID EM-ECQ-02F EM-ECQ-03F EM-ECQ-04F EM-ECQ-05F EM-ECQ-06F EM-ECQ-07F EM-ECQ-08F EM-ECQ-09F EM-ECQ-10F EM-ECQ-11F EM-ECQ-12F EVR3+BAC Updated EPR+BAC Removed EVR+KBAC R2P 01ATS (Actuator) 01DH (Actuator) 01DT-1 (Actuator) 01HT (Actuator) 01HTCA (Actuator) 01MT-1 (Actuator) 01PT (Actuator) 01UT-1A (Actuator) 01UT-1A0X (Actuator) 01UT-1B0X (Actuator) 20DTS (Actuator) 22ADP (Actuator) 22CT (Actuator) 22DC (Actuator) 22DT (Actuator) 22DTH-11/13 (Actuator) 22DTH-15/16 (Actuator) 22DTM (Actuator) 22HH-10 (Actuator) 22HH-100S (Actuator) 22HH-100X (Actuator) 22HT (Actuator) 22MT (Actuator) 22UT (Actuator) 22UTH (Actuator) EXT-J (Actuator) C215Q (Zone valve) D6*N PN10 (Stop valve) D6*N PN10 (Zone valve) D6*N PN16 (Zone valve) D6*N PN6 (Stop valve) D6*N PN6 (Zone valve) D6*NL PN10 (Stop valve) D6*NL PN10 (Zone valve) D6*NL PN16 (Zone valve) D6*W PN10 (Stop valve) D6*W PN10 (Zone valve) D6*W PN16 (Zone valve) D6*W PN6 (Stop valve) D6*W PN6 (Zone valve) D6*WL PN16 (Zone valve) H6W-S7+GV Merged 24V and 230V variants to the same product family H7W-S7+GV Merged 24V and 230V variants to the same product family 23.05.2022 Zone valves: C2QFL Added technical data C2Q Updated technical data C2QP C2QPT C215Q Moved to Zone valve class, technical data updated R225FL-J merged to C2QFL product family 06.05.2022 Added to database (other component) FMF-SZ Added to database (actuator, probes and buttons) 01MT 01UT-1A0X 01UT-1B0X 01HTCA 22HH-100S 01DH 20DTS 01ATS EXT-J Added to database (probes and buttons) 22RT 22RTM 22RTH 01RT P-01RT Model updated and moved from "other valve" to "other component" FMR-SZ 22WDP Model updated (other component) 22WP Model updated (actuator, probes and buttons) 22DTH-11/13 22DTH-15/16 22MT 22UTH 22DT 22ADP 01UT 01HT 22UT 22HT 22CT 22DC 22HH-10 22HH-100X 22DTM Model updated (probes and buttons) 22UTH-X 01ST 01APS 01DTS Description updated R2P R2-S ERP-BAC R225FL-J 24.01.2022 H6W-S7+GV Added to database (other valve) EP-R6+BAC Updated (other valve) D7*/BAC PN16 Added to database (stop valve, zone valve) EPF+KMP Added to database (zone valve) EPF+MOD EPF+MP EPR+KMP EPR+MOD EVF+BAC EVF+KBAC EVR+KBAC EVR3+BAC Added to database (3-port valve) H7W-S7+GV EPR+MP Updated (zone valve) EVR+BAC H7N Model updated, bug fixed (3-port valve) H7R H7W-S7 FMR-SZ Electrical connection added to 3D Geomery 24.11.2021 C2Q Updated (other valve, zone valve) C2Q-FL Added to database (zone valve) C2QP Updated (zone valve) C2QPT Updated (zone valve) C3Q 3D model updated, removed from other valve class C4*Q-K 3D model updated C5*Q-J 3D model updated, removed from other valve class D6*N PN6 3D model updated, D6*N changed name to D6*N PN6 (stop valve) D6*N PN6 Added to database (zone valve) D6*N PN10 Added to database (stop valve, zone valve) D6*N PN16 Remove D6N Duplicate product family removed(stop valve) D6*W PN6 3D model updated, D6*W chagned name to D6*W PN6 (stop valve) D6*W PN6 Added to database (zone valve) D6*W PN10 Added to database (stop valve, zone valve) D6*W PN16 D6*NL PN10 3D model updated, D6NL changed name to D6*NL PN10 (stop valve) D6*NL PN16 Added to database (stop valve) D6*NL PN16 3D model updated, D6*NL changed name to D6*NL PN16 (zone valve) D6*NL PN10 Added to database (zone valve) D6*WL PN16 Added to database (stop valve) D6*WL PN16 3D model updated, D6*WL changed name to D6*WL PN16 (zone valve) EXT-R2-B*-PW 3D model updated H2S Added to database H3S H4B 3D model updated H5B H6X-S2 H6X-SP2 H6N H6R H6S H6SP H7X-S Updated, removed from other valve class H7Y-S H7W-S7 H7N H7R H71*S R2S Updated (stop valve) R2-S Updated (other valve) R3-B2-B3 3D model updated R3 Updated, removed from other valve class R3-S R3-BL R3015-B1 Added to database R4xxD Updated (other valve) R4D Updated (stop valve) R4(k) Updated (other valve) R4 Updated (stop valve) R5(k) Updated, removed from other valve class R5 Updated, removed from stop valve clas R6RB Updated (stop valve) R6Rxx-B Updated (other valve) R6W-S8 Updated (other valve) R7R-B Updated, removed from stop valve class R7Rxx-B Updated, removed from other valve class P6WE-BAC Removed from database P6WE-MP H30*X-S Removed from other valve class Germany description is added to all products. Weblink updated to www.belimo.com 28.04.2020 Added as 3 port valve C3Q C5*Q-J H30*X-S H5B H71*S H7N H7R H7W-S7 H7X-S H7Y-S R3 R3-BL R3-S R5 R5(k) R7R-B R7Rxx-B Other valve 3D model updated C5*Q-J H4B H5B H6N H6R H6S H6SP H6W-S7 H6X-S2 H6X-SP2 H7N H7R H7W-S7 H7X-S H7Y-S R3 R3-BL R3-S R5(k) R7Rxx-B Stop valve R7R-B R5 19.07.2019 Actuators Logo updated 17.07.2019 Actuators Added to class type BA probes and buttons 01DT-1 01HT 01PT 01UT-1A 22ADP 22CT 22DC 22DT 22DTH-11/13 22DTH-15 22DTM 22HH-10 22HH-100X 22HT 22MT 22UT 22UTH 10.07.2019 Dimensions for sizes 125,150 updated H7N H7R 17.06.2019 Added to database Other valve type: 22WDP Other component type: 22WP Actuators: 01DT-1 01HT,01PT 01UT-1A 22ADP,22CT,22DC 22DT,22DTM 22DTH-11/13 22DTH-15 22HH-10 22HH-100X 22HT,22MT,22UT,22UTH Controller: CR Probes and buttons: 01DTS 01ST 01-APS 22UTH-X 20.05.2019 Added to database Balancing valves: C4*Q-K C5*Q-J D6*W D6*WL Stop valve: EXT-R2-B*-PW Other valve: H20*X-S H30*X-S H71*S 26.09.2018 EPR+MP Class type changed to Zone Valves and tech data added P6WE-BAC EPR+BAC P6WE-BAC 21.03.2018 All products Added Chinese descriptions 25.08.2017 Added Balancing valves C2Q C2QP C2QPT Other valve C3Q 29.10.2015 C215Q Geometry updated EP*R+MP R2*P 29.09.2015 C215Q Class type changed to other valve type EP*R+BAC EP*R+MP P6*W*E+BAC P6*W*E-MP R2*P 16.06.2015 Database created with listed products D6N D6NL R2S R4 R4D R5 R6RB R7R-B C215Q EPR+BAC EPR+MP P6WE-BAC P6WE-MP R2P H4B H5B H6N H6R H6S H6SP H6W-S7 H6X-S2 H6X-SP2 H7N H7R H7W-S7 H7X-S H7Y-S R2-S R3 R3-S R3-BL R4(k) R4xxD R5(k) R6Rxx-B R6W-S8 R7Rxx-B eof---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------