========================================================================================= Regin Product data ========================================================================================= The newest file: Regin_20b.qpd For MagiCAD version: 2020 UR-2-> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 3 port valves - other valves - zone valves - radiator valves - controllers This file contains the update history of the named datafile since 10.04.2018 (Regin_18a.qpd) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Product Changes in brief 20.5.2020 ZTV15-1.0 Other valve - Technical data corrected ZTR15-1.0 Other valve - Technical data corrected ZTR15-1.0 3 Port valve - Technical data corrected 22.4.2020 Added as 3 Port valve BF3 MTRS GF3 ZTR ZTRB ZMD3 ETRS VTTR GF2 Models upgraded GF3 BF2 Models updated BF3 ETRS ETVS MTRS PCMTV32-50 ZMD2 ZMD3 ZTVB ZTRB VTTV VTTR 14.02.2019 Added to the database RC RC-A203W-4 RC-A203W-4-TP RC-C3 RC-C3DFOC RC-C3DOC RC-C3H RC-C3O RCC-C3HCS RC-CDFO RC-CDTO RC-CF RC-CFO RC-CT RC-CTH RC-CTO RC-DFO RC-DO RC-DTO RC-E163W-1 RC-E163W-1-TP RC-F RC-FO RC-H RC-O RC-T RC-TO ED-RU ED-RU-DFO ED-RU-DO ED-RU-DOCS ED-RU-DOS ED-RU-F ED-RU-FO ED-RU-H ED-RU-O RCF-230AD RCF-230CAD RCF-230CD RCF-230CTD RCF-230CTD-EC RCF-230D RCF-230TD RCFM-230D RCFM-230TD ZFCM-2+RVAF2 ZFCM-3+RVAF3 RCC-C3DOCS Model and description updated 11.09.2018 Added to the database VTTV VTTR PCTVS PCTV PCMTV15-25 PCMTV20-32 PCMTV32-50 RV2 23.08.2018 Added to the database ZMD2 ZMD3 ZTVB ZTR ZTRB ZTV 10.08.2018 BF2 Added to the database BF3 MTRS NTVS FRS GF2 Models corrected GF3 26.06.2018 ETVS Added to the database ETRS GF3 GF2 BTV 10.04.2018 Database created with listed products RCC-C3DOCS CTV+RTA(O)M100 (0-10V) CTV+RTA(O)M100 (on/off) eof--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------