================================================================================================================================================ Klimatbyr�n Netavent Product data ================================================================================================================================================ The newest file: Klimatbyran_Netavent_24e.qpd For MagiCAD version: 2020 -> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - supply air devices - extract air devices - flow dampers - silencers - other components - climate beam This file contains the update history of the named datafile since 2000.03 (Klimat00.qpd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date Product Product type Changes in brief 19.12.2024 STD Supply/extract air device Added to database 04.10.2024 Supply air devices Old type of throw length data removed 17.09.2024 NXF Extract air devices Added to database S2V S2D S2D Supply air devices Added to database S2D+TK-MN �LS Supply air device Product code changed PLI+TK Supply air devices Product code changed, 3D geometry updated BRD+BRLB BRD+BRLS BRG+BRLB BRG+BRLS Removed from database FVR Extract air devices E5+FLKRO DR+FLKRO HP Supply air devices KP IC-0 IC-1 DH+DLKR-O 18.04.2024 MSFS supply air device Removed from database MSFO 02.04.2024 silencers Removed from database CL CU CZ 07.11.2023 Added to database DRO (30�) supply air IDK other duct component CERTiQ-M (Circular) CERTiQ-M (Rectangular) flow dampers BASiQ-P (Circular) CERTiQ-D (Circular) BASiQ-P (Rectangular) CERTiQ-D (Rectangular) LOGiQ-CS (Circular) CERTiQ-F (Circular) CERTiQ-PM (Circular) CERTiQ-CS (Circular) LOGiQ-CS (Rectangular) CERTiQ-F (Rectangular) CERTiQ-PM (Rectangular) CERTiQ-CS (Rectangular) KNXiQ (Circular) KNXiQ (Rectangular) SPD 3D Geometry and technical data updated flow damper SPJ (Manual Control) SPJ (Motorized Control) SPT BASiQ-F (Circular) BASiQ-F (Rectangular) LOGiQ-PM (Circular) LOGiQ-PM (Rectangular) LOGiQ-F (Circular) LOGiQ-F (Rectangular) LOGiQ-S (Circular) LOGiQ-S (Rectangular) other duct component BASiQ-FT (Circular) BASiQ-FT (Rectangular) LOGiQ-M (Circular) LOGiQ-M (Rectangular) NAPT+TLM supply air NAPT+FLM extract air 3D Geometry updated ZMC flow damper SKV extract air E5O DRO (0�) supply air Technical data updated Removed from database SPA flow damper J-0 J-24V-M J-24V-2 ZMS ZMCR NEVT KBI ZMI other duct component HLY-TLYR supply air 19.12.2022 DRO supply air Added to database NPLM+TKN supply air 3D Geometry upgraded, technical data updated DBR-KBY supply air Removed from database MBS MEP(I) PBD PBDE PUS(I) PVR VAV BASiQ flow damper Removed from database 18.11.2020 3D Geometry corrected PETb-*-TKb supply air PETIb-*-TKb PRC+TLR PRCI+TLR 29.08.2019 Added to database NHLB-T supply air NHL-T + TLM NPR-T + TLM NPL-T + TLM NHLB-F extract air NHL-F + FLM NPR-F + FLM NPL-F + FLM PETI 400 + TK 400-315 Technical data updated DRTI 315-TK 315-200 PETI supply air Product code corrected DRTI NHLA-*/4-5-K supply air Removed NPLM */600T+TKb 23.04.2019 Products with old type of geometry models removed from MagiCAD Cloud Connect for Revit 25.03.2019 supply air Added �LR BDV RA supply air Renewed RAI RA-TK RAI-TK TSP-TK-MN supply air Removed TSPE-TK-MN VSP-TK-MN �LR �DR BDT-080 23.01.2019 C-LAG-500 Silencer Pressure drop added 14.08.2018 HAHF climate beam 3D Geometry updated 20.06.2018 Added to database KBI IRIS flow damper NPLA+TK supply air DCR supply air Updated DCR+TK NPLM+TKN E5O extract air CD30 silencer CD60 PET extract Removed 02.02.2018 Added to database KDL supply air �DA PremiAir HF chilled beam PET extract air PETI Dimensions updated supply air DH-DLKRB/O/S chilled beam Dimensions updated OptimAir DF New size 2400 OptimAir HF OptimAir NF PremiAir flow dampers New 3D geometry SPA SPT All products Market Area and Swedish descriptions removed Removed from database KBB KDS ZMR �S 24.4.2017 HotelAir chilled beam Added to database FacadeAir 03.04.2017 Added to database flow dampers LOGiQ-P-CIRC LOGiQ-F-CIRC LOGiQ-S-CIRC LOGiQ-F LOGiQ-S LOGiQ-P BASiQ BASiQ-CIRC other duct components LOGiQ-FT-CIRC LOGiQ-FT BASiQ-FT-CIRC BASiQ-FT 31.10.2016 silencer Buffels' size and their amount are updated in 3D geometry RC205 RC207 RC210 RC213 RC215 RC220 RCK205 RCK207 RCK210 RCK213 RCK215 RCK220 RCKV205 RCKV207 RCKV210 RCKV213 RCKV215 RCKV220 RCV205 RCV207 RCV210 RCV213 RCV215 RCV220 07.09.2016 CA-*-0-A chilled beam Added to database CA-*-0-B CA-*-1-A CA-*-1-B FA-*-0-A FA-*-0-B FA-*-1-A FA-*-1-B 27.01.2016 KLKB extract air 3D geometry added KVPB SPA flow damper DH+DLKR-B supply air DH+DLKR-O DH+DLKR-S DH-R (0�) DH-R (45�) DUG DUS HC HP IC JET KC KLKB KP RA-H RA-V RBL RP TED TEDO �DR �LR �LSA 22.12.2015 Added to database NAPT supply air, extract air NAPT-TLR 07.12.2015 TSK-FK-MN extract air Added to database NHLBM supply air NLUN PXR TSO MBS supply air Description changed TSK-TK-MN PVR supply air Added support for MagiCAD for Revit 2014.11 RA-TK RAI-TK 19.10.2015 supply air Added to database AC-AL100 DRTb DRTb-TKb DRTIb DRTIb-TK PETb PETb-TKb PETIb PETIb-TKb NPLM-TKb supply air Updated DRT-TK supply air Removed DRTI-TK PET-TK PETI-TK 19.08.2015 NPLM-TKN supply air Added to database OAHF,OANF cooling beam 3D geometry updated for MagiCAD for Revit 30.04.2015 NHLM/EJC-5-K extract air Replaces NHLM/EJC-4-5-K NHLM/EJC-4-5-K supply air Added to database 23.04.2015 Database and Manufacture name changed to Klimatbyran_Netavent NHLM/EJC-4-5-K extract air Added to database NEVT flow damper NHLA/4-5-K supply air PRC+TLR supply air PRCI+TLR supply air DCR supply air Duct size corrected 08.01.2015 DR-FLKR-B 400-150 Duct size corrected DR-FLKR-S 400-150 DR-FLKR-O 400-150 E5-FLKR-B 400-150 E5-FLKR-S 400-150 E5-FLKR-O 400-150 02.12.2014 OA DF-0-A cooling beam Added to database OA DF-1-A OA DF-0-B OA DF-1-B 22.10.2014 NPLM extract&supply air Descriptions and market area added PAb supply air devices/ Product code, market area updated cooling beam 15.10.2014 NPLM/EJC/T-5 extract&supply air Added to database NPLM/600T+TKb supply air Added to database 05.06.2014 SKV extract air duct size updated DR-FLKR-B extract air Added new 3D geometry for MagiCAD for Revit 2013.11 DR-FLKR-O DR-FLKR-S E5-FLKR-B E5-FLKR-O E5-FLKR-S PET-FK PETI-FK DBR-KBY supply air DCR-TK HLY-TLYR PU-TK-MN STD-TK-MN TSK-TK-MN TSKE-TK-MN TSP-TK-MN TSPE-TK-MN VSP-TK-MN 20.03.2014 BRL supply air Technical data updated BRLS BRD BRDS 21.01.2014 VAV Basiq flow damper Added to database Many products Market Area updated 17.01.2014 RC205-*-950 silencer 2D symbol added RCK205-*-950 17.12.2012 RCK-215-*-1250 silencer Dimensions corrected RCK-215-*-1550 RCK-215-*-1850 RCK-215-*-2150 RCK-215-*-2450 RCK-215-*-650 RCK-215-*-950 30.11.2012 OANF cooling beam Added support for MagiCAD for AutoCAD 2012.11 OAHF PAb 27.06.2012 DRT-TK supply air Geometry updated PAb cooling beam devided into different families by length 31.05.2012 MSFO supply air Added to database MSFS 11.04.2012 OANF supply air Added to database OAHF OANF cooling beam Added for MagiCAD for Revit OAHF PET-TK supply air Updated PETI-TK DRT-TK DRTI-TK DXR DRTI-TK-40-250 supply air Added to database DRTI-TK-40-315 PETI-1V-TK-40-250 PETI-2V-TK-40-250 PETI-3V-TK-40-250 PETI-4V-TK-40-250 J-* flow damper Added support for MagiCAD for Revit CDV30 silencer Added support for MagiCAD for Revit 2012.4 CDV60 RCKV*-H RCKV*-V RCV*-H RCV*-V 23.11.2011 RCKV-V silencer Corrected 16.11.2011 KV extract air Added to database MBS supply air MEP MEPI MHO-1 MHO-2 MHO-3 MHOS-1 MHOS-2 MHOS-3 PUS PUSI CL silencer CU CZ RCKV-H RCKV-V RC-LAG silencer Geometry added, length changed RC RCK RCV-V RCV-H BDT supply air Updated PAb cooling beam Added for MagiCAD for Revit 2011.11 KVD removed 11.06.2010 CDV30 silencer Added to database CDV60 DSK grille DRT-TK supply air device New sizes added to database DRTI PET-TK PETI-TK ZMR other component Length changed BRD supply air device Tecnical data updated 02.03.2010 Added support for MagiCAD Revit 17.12.2009 SPT-*-0 flow damper Added to database SPT-*-230V-2 SPT-*-24V-2 SPT-*-24V-M BDT supply air device Geometry updated DXR supply air device Updated PremiAir TED-100 supply air device Connection size corrected TEDO-100 22.06.2009 DCR ceiling diffuser Added to database DCR-TK ceiling diffuser ZMCR flow damper ZMS flow damper ZMI other component type PU-TK ceiling diffuser New size 25-200 added SOD supply device 2 new sizes 55 and 80 added DXR ceiling diffuser Updated ZMC flow damper Updated J rectangular damper Breadth changed PET/TK ceiling diffuser Adjustable collar length added to Qmodel PETI/TK PET/FK PETI/FK TSP/MN/TK TSPE/MN/TK PU/MN/TK RA/TK RAI/TK TSK/MN/TK TSKE/MN/TK VSP/MN/TK DRT/TK DRTI/TK STD/MN/TK STD/MN/FK 26.8.2008 Several products Market area updated PET Product lists updated PETI BDT Product added RCV*-V Technical data corrected 11.03.2008 RCK silencer Added to database RC silencer Geometry updated PBD supply air valve Ceiling installation added PBDE 30.01.2008 PET-TK-40-315 supply device Added to database PremiAir climat device/supply 10.10.2007 RCV*-H-*-* silencer Duct sizes corrected RCV*-V-*-* silencer 29.08.2007 PBD supply valve Added to database PBDE supply valve DBR-100-KBY fresh air device with grille AC-AL supply grile with box OS fresh air device KBY louvre grille STD-TK-MN ceiling diffuser with box STD-FK-MN ceiling diffuser with box SVD wall diffuser SKV exhaust valve SOD transfer unit KC displacement unit replaces OPIHR HC displacement unit replaces OPIGR IC displacement unit replaces VIGR KP displacement unit replaces PIHR HP displacement unit replaces PIGR RP displacement unit replaces PFGR CD30 silencer Geometry and sound attenuation updated CD60 silencer CDB silencer CDK silencer C-LAG silencer KBI flow damper Geometry updated PET-TK ceiling diffuser Collar length added to Qmodel PETI-TK ceiling diffuser RA-TK ceiling diffuser RAI-TK ceiling diffuser PVR ceiling diffuser Products with different blow direction PET-TK ceiling diffuser have been combained to one product family PETI-TK ceiling diffuser RA-TK ceiling diffuser RAI-TK ceiling diffuser OPIHR-400,500 Removed from database OPIGR-400,500,630 PIHR-100,125,160,200 PIGR-100,125,160,200 CD30-125-300 CD30-160-300 CD30-100-900 CD60-*-300 CD60-125-600 CD60-160-600 CD60-125-900 CD60-160-900 CD60-630-1200 CD60-*-1500 CD90-*-* CDB 250-900 CDK 250-900 CDB-*-1500 CDK 1000-1200 CDK 1250-1200 C-LAG-*-300 C-LAG-*-1200 PEOR OPEOR PEL 19.01.2007 TFX ceiling diffuser Added to database 20.11.2006 KDS duct diffuser Sizes 160,500 added to database Geometry updated 11.10.2006 DR exhaust grille Added to database DR-FLKR-B exhaust grille+box DR-FLKR-O exhaust grille+box DR-FLKR-S exhaust grille+box KBB exhaust valve KVD exhaust valve PET-FK diffuser+box PETI-FK diffuser+box J-0 rectangular damper J-1 rectangular damper J-230v-2 rectangular damper J-24v-2 rectangular damper J-24V-M rectangular damper ZMR rectangular mesuaring unit E5-FLKRB exhaust grille+box Geometry and data updated E5-FLKRO exhaust grille+box E5-FLKRS exhaust grille+box E5-R exhaust grille E5O exhaust grille FVR ceiling diffuser DRTI-TK disc diffuser Some sizes added to database PET-TK diffuser+box Dimensions updated PETI-TK diffuser+box PEF+FKR diffuser+box Removed from the database KVB exhaust valve KVC exhaust valve 05.04.2006 PET+TK diffuser+box Added to the database PETI+TK diffuser+box PVR ceiling diffuser PU+TK diffuser+box RA+TK diffuser+box RAI+TK diffuser+box DRT+TK disc diffuser+box DRTI+TK disc diffuser+box BRD wall diffuser+box BRD-S wall diffuser+box BRL wall diffuser+box BRL-S wall diffuser+box HLY-TLYR diffuser+box TSK-TK-MN diffuser+box TSKE-TK-MN diffuser+box TSP-TK-MN diffuser+box TSPE-TK-MN diffuser+box VSP-TK-MN diffuser+box PET+NLT diffuser+box Removed from the database 06.04.2004 PET+NLT diffuser+box Shape parameter corrected 12.02.2004 RCV-* silencer Sound attenuation values corrected 02.02.2004 PET+NLT, diffuser+box Product-family -names corrected, �DR, transfer unit Description text and MarketArea -data added �LR, transfer unit �LSA transfer unit 30.06.2003 RC, silencer Added to database RCV-H, silencer RCV-V, silencer RC-L�G, silencer �DR, transfer unit �LSA, transfer unit �LR, transfer unit PET+NLT diffuser+box 24.01.2003 PEF+FKR, diffuser+box Shape corrected DRT+TKR, diffuser+box PU+TKR diffuser+box 09.08.2002 A few sound attenuation values corrected 20.05.2002 SPA damper Added to database 04.04.2002 KLKB, supply valve Added/Updated to database KVB, exhaust valve KVC, exhaust valve KVPB, exhaust valve DH+DLKR, grille+box DRT+TKR, disc.diffuser+box DXR, disc diffuser KLKB, exhaust valve TED, cone diffuser TEDO cone diffuser 04.04.2002 PET+TKR diffuser+box Shape corrected 03.04.2001 KLKB supply valve new product 09.03.2001 DRT disc diffuser some sound frequency corrected 01.03.2001 DRTI disc diffuser 2 sizes added DXR disc diffuser new product KVC exhaust valve new product -> KVB removed KVPB exhaust valve new data E5-FLKR grille+box 1 sizes added KBI damper 2 sizes added E5 grille new product DH grille new product 14.11.2000 DH+DLKR grille+box 2 connections added E5-FLKR 24.05.2000 CDK silenser added CDB silencer 05.05.2000 PET-TKR diffuser+box some dimensions corrected PVR diffuser+box E5O grille FVR diffuser diagrams corrected E5O grille ZMC damper KDS duct diffuser sound data corrected eof---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------