================================================================================================================================================ Swegon Product data ================================================================================================================================================ The newest file: Swegon_25a.qpd For MagiCAD for Revit version: 2020 -> For MagiCAD for AutoCAD version:2023 UR-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - supply air devices - extract air devices - outdoor exhaust air devices - outdoor supply air devices - silencers - climate beams - flow dampers - fire dampers - air handling unit - other duct components - fancoils - distribution box - roof fan This file contains the update history of the named datafile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date Product Changes in brief 09.01.2025 Fire damper 3D Geometry updated for MagiCAD installation point function CR120 CR2 CRE60 CRS60 CU2 CU2 ATEX CU-LT VRE 03.12.2024 RD-B Lenght=1200 mm, CD=500,630,800 3D Geometry changed RD-B length=900 mm, CD=250,315,400 3D Geometry changed RD-B Length=600 mm, CD=500,630,800 3D Geometry and preview picture changed 29.11.2024 Silencers Added to database RD-B Length=600 mm, CD=250,315,400 RD-B Length=600 mm, CD=500,630,800 RD-B length=900 mm, CD=250,315,400 RD-B length=900 mm, CD=500,630,800 RD-B Lenght=1200 mm, CD=250,315,400 RD-B Lenght=1200 mm, CD=500,630,800 Supply air devices Diffuser length corrected ROWb 400-200-1V+ALVd 400-200-160-K ROWb 400-200-1V+ALVd 400-200-160-B Climate beams New variants added, electrical connection added, clearence and maintenance zones added Parasol Z e Parasol Z VAV e REACT PARASOL Z e WISE Parasol Z e Weight updated Parasol Z VAV e 1192-B-125-4 (Susp. with coanda frame and cover) Parasol Z VAV e 1192-B-160-4 (Susp. with coanda frame and cover) Radiant panel Product code changed VARICOOL SMa 0-A Cooling -> SPECTRA M SMa 0-A Cooling VARICOOL SMa 0-A Heating -> SPECTRA M SMa 0-A Heating VARICOOL SMa 0-EX Cooling -> SPECTRA M SMa 0-EX Cooling VARICOOL SMa 0-EX Heating -> SPECTRA M SMa 0-EX Heating VARICOOL SMa 1-A Cooling -> SPECTRA M SMa 1-A Cooling VARICOOL SMa 1-A Heating -> SPECTRA M SMa 1-A Heating VARICOOL SMa 1-EX Cooling -> SPECTRA M SMa 1-EX Cooling VARICOOL SMa 1-EX Heating -> SPECTRA M SMa 1-EX Heating 06.11.2024 Silencers Variant level product codes corrected for families MORENDO 202 length=950 mm MORENDO 352 length=950 mm MORENDO 353 length=1250 mm MORENDO 401 length=650 mm 05.11.2024 Extract air devices Removed from database Swegon CASA Jazz Smart Stainless Steel (Left) Swegon CASA Jazz Smart Stainless Steel (Right) Swegon CASA Jazz Smart White (Left) Swegon CASA Jazz Smart White (Right) 15.10.2024 Flow damper Added new sizes REACT V SKNXb 07.10.2024 Air handling units Added to database ILTO 300-400 Genius L RH+CO2 (Ceiling mounted) ILTO 300-400 Genius L RH+CO2 (Wall mounted) ILTO 300-400 Genius R RH+CO2 (Ceiling mounted) ILTO 300-400 Genius R RH+CO2 (Wall mounted) Air handling units Geometry updated & article number added R15 CASA L RH R7 CASA L 1400 W RH R7 CASA L RH R9 CASA L RH Air handling units Article number added R15-H CASA L RH R15-H CASA R RH R2 CASA L 400 W RH R2 CASA L 700 W RH R2 CASA R 400 W RH R2 CASA R 700W RH R3 CASA L 500 W RH R3 CASA L RH R3 CASA R 500 W RH R3 CASA R RH R4-C CASA L 500W RH R4-C CASA R 500W RH R5 CASA L 800 W RH R5 CASA L RH R5 CASA R 800 W RH R5 CASA R RH R5-H CASA L 700W RH R5-H CASA R 700W RH R7-H CASA L 1400W RH R7-H CASA R 1400W RH R9-H CASA L R9-H CASA R Air handling units Removed from database W3 CASA Econo L W3 CASA Econo R W4 CASA Econo L W4 CASA Econo R Extract air devices Added to database Swegon CASA Jazz Genius Stainless Steel (M) Swegon CASA Jazz Genius White (M) Extract air devices Product code changed CASA-SAMBA Smart -> CASA Samba Genius Swegon CASA Tango+ Smart -> CASA Tango+ Genius Outdoor exhaust & supply air devices Removed from database RHS WGS WHD WHS Climate beams Product code changes & new variants CASA Climate CCF 27.09.2024 Climate beams Water volume added Parasol Z d replaced by Parasol Z e Parasol Z VAV d replaced by Parasol Z VAV e REACT PARASOL Z d replaced by REACT PARASOL Z e WISE Parasol Z d replaced by WISE Parasol Z e 11.09.2024 Silencers Description and preview picture updated RD-A length=600 mm RD-A length=900 mm RD-A length=1200 mm 10.09.2024 Silencers Data updated CLA-A CLA-B Silencers Added to database CLA-B length=900 mm RD-A length=600 mm RD-A length=900 mm RD-A length=1200 mm Supply air device Removed from database Colibri Wb+ALVe-B 1L Colibri Wb+ALVe-B 1V Colibri Wb+ALVe-K 1L Colibri Wb+ALVe-K 1V LOCKZONE Wa+ALVe-B 1V LOCKZONE Wa+ALVe-K 1V EAGLE Wb+ALVe-B 1L EAGLE Wb+ALVe-B 1V EAGLE Wb+ALVe-K 1L EAGLE Wb+ALVe-K 1V 05.09.2024 Flow damper Article number added WISE Damper b 04.09.2024 Flow damper 3D geometry updated & product code changed REACT Pa (circ & rect) -> REACT P GMBa (circ & rect) REACT P-Xa (rect) -> REACT PX GMBb (rect) REACT P-Xa-SR (rect) -> REACT PX-SR GMBb (rect) REACT V BBACa (rect) -> REACT V BBACb (rect) REACT V BMBa (rect) -> REACT V BBACb (rect) REACT V BMPa (rect) -> REACT V BMBb (rect) REACT Va (circ & rect) -> REACT V GMBa (circ & rect) REACT V SKNXa (rect) -> REACT V SKNXb (rect) REACT Va-SR (rect) -> REACT V-SR GMBb (rect) WISE Damper_a (circ & rect) -> WISE Damper b (circ & rect) Flow damper Product code changed REACT P-Xa (circ) -> REACT PX GMBa (circ) REACT P-Xa-SR (circ) -> REACT PX-SR GMBa (circ) REACT Va-SR (circ) -> REACT V-SR GMBa (circ) REACT Ma (circ & rect) -> REACT M GMBa (circ & rect) Supply air device Product code changed COLIBRI CC VFa+REACT ALSa-RO -> COLIBRI CC VFa+REACT ALS GMBa- RO KITE CCa+REACT ALSa-4V -> KITE CCa+REACT ALS GMBa- 4V KITE CRa+REACT ALSa-4V -> KITE CRa+REACT ALS GMBa- 4V LOCKZONE C VFa+REACT ALSa-RO -> LOCKZONE C VFa+REACT ALS GMBa- RO Fire damper 3D Geometry updated for coming MagiCAD version CR120 CR2 CRE60 CRS60 CU2 CU2 ATEX CU-LT VRE Climate beam Removed from database ADAPT PARASOL EX b 1290-A-HF Left ADAPT PARASOL EX b 1290-A-HF Right ADAPT PARASOL Ex b 1290-A-PF Left ADAPT PARASOL Ex b 1290-A-PF Right ADAPT PARASOL EX b 1290-B-HF Left ADAPT PARASOL EX b 1290-B-HF Right ADAPT PARASOL Ex b 1290-B-PF Left ADAPT PARASOL Ex b 1290-B-PF Right ADAPT PARASOL Ex b 690-A-MF Right ADAPT PARASOL Ex b 690-A-PF Right ADAPT PARASOL Ex b 690-B-MF Right ADAPT PARASOL Ex b 690-B-PF Right PARASOL EX c 1290-A-HF Left PARASOL EX c 1290-A-HF Right PARASOL EX c 1290-A-MF Left PARASOL EX c 1290-A-MF Right PARASOL EX c 1290-A-PF Left PARASOL EX c 1290-A-PF Right PARASOL EX c 1290-B-HF Left PARASOL EX c 1290-B-HF Right PARASOL EX c 1290-B-MF Left PARASOL EX c 1290-B-MF Right PARASOL EX c 1290-B-PF Left PARASOL EX c 1290-B-PF Right PARASOL EX c 690-A-HF Static Right PARASOL EX c 690-A-MF Right PARASOL EX c 690-B-HF Static Right PARASOL EX c 690-B-MF Right WISE PARASOL EX a 1290-A-HF Left WISE PARASOL EX a 1290-A-HF Right WISE PARASOL EX a 1290-A-MF Left WISE PARASOL EX a 1290-A-MF Right WISE PARASOL Ex a 1290-A-PF Left WISE PARASOL Ex a 1290-A-PF Right WISE PARASOL EX a 1290-B-HF Left WISE PARASOL EX a 1290-B-HF Right WISE PARASOL EX a 1290-B-MF Left WISE PARASOL EX a 1290-B-MF Right WISE PARASOL Ex a 1290-B-PF Left WISE PARASOL Ex a 1290-B-PF Right WISE PARASOL Ex a 690-A-MF Right WISE PARASOL Ex a 690-A-PF Right WISE PARASOL Ex a 690-B-MF Right WISE PARASOL Ex a 690-B-PF Right 14.08.2024 Supply air device/Extract air device Lenght corrected for 2 variants FLOWBAR HT-*-L + PBHL-FB-L- FL*-SD 09.08.2024 Supply air device Added to database FLOWBAR HT-*-L + PBHL-FB-L- FL*-SD FLOWBAR JT-*-L + PBSW-FB-L- FL*-SD Extract air device Added to database FLOWBAR HT-*-L + PBHL-FB-L- FL*-SD FLOWBAR JT-*-L + PBSW-FB-L- FL*-SD Climate beam Updated, more variants added Parasol Z d 592 Parasol Z d 1192 Parasol Z d 1792 Parasol Z VAV d 592 Parasol Z VAV d 1192 Parasol Z VAV d 1792 REACT PARASOL Z d 592 REACT PARASOL Z d 1192 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792 WISE Parasol Z d 592 WISE Parasol Z d 1192 WISE Parasol Z d 1792 Climate beam 3D Geometry updated Parasol Z VAV d 603 Parasol Z VAV d 1213 Parasol Z VAV d 1823 02.07.2024 Supply air device Added to database COLIBRI Wc+ALVe-B 1L COLIBRI Wc+ALVe-B 1V COLIBRI Wc+ALVe-K 1L COLIBRI Wc+ALVe-K 1V EAGLE Wc+ALVe-B 1L EAGLE Wc+ALVe-B 1V EAGLE Wc+ALVe-K 1L EAGLE Wc+ALVe-K 1V LOCKZONE Wc+ALVe-B 1V LOCKZONE Wc+ALVe-K 1V WISE Kite CC SMBa- 4V Supply air device Product code changed WISE Colibri SMBa- RO WISE Kite CR SMBa- 4V WISE Lockzone SMBa- RO 03.06.2024 Fire damper Weblink changed CU2 CU-LT CRE60 CR2 CU2 ATEX CR120 CR60 SC+ 60 CRX CRS60 31.05.2024 Fire damper Added to database CU2 CU-LT CRE60 CR2 CU2 ATEX VRE CR120 CR60 SC+ 60 CRX CRS60 Extract air device AVANTAGE 1V 120 ME VD24 AVANTAGE 1V 60 ME VD24 Fire damper Removed from database FIRE Block supply IGNIS-C-E60 IGNIS-C-EI60 IGNIS-C-E120 IGNIS-C-EI120 16.05.2024 Climate beam Geometry updated Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-1 Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-2 Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-2 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-3 Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-4 Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-4 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-1 Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-2 Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-2 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-3 Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-4 Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-4 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-1 Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-2 Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-2 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-3 Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-4 Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-4 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-1 Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-2 Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-2 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-3 Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-4 Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-4 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 592-A-*-1 Parasol Z d 592-A-*-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 592-A-*-3 Parasol Z d 592-A-*-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 592-B-*-1 Parasol Z d 592-B-*-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d 592-B-*-3 Parasol Z d 592-B-*-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1192-A-*-1 Parasol Z VAV d 1192-A-*-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1192-A-*-2 Parasol Z VAV d 1192-A-*-2 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1192-A-*-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1192-A-*-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1192-A-*-4 Parasol Z VAV d 1192-A-*-4 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1192-B-*-1 Parasol Z VAV d 1192-B-*-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1192-B-*-2 Parasol Z VAV d 1192-B-*-2 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1192-B-*-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1192-B-*-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1192-B-*-4 Parasol Z VAV d 1192-B-*-4 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1213-A-*-1 Parasol Z VAV d 1213-A-*-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1213-A-*-2 Parasol Z VAV d 1213-A-*-2 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1213-A-*-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1213-A-*-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1213-A-*-4 Parasol Z VAV d 1213-A-*-4 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1213-B-*-1 Parasol Z VAV d 1213-B-*-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1213-B-*-2 Parasol Z VAV d 1213-B-*-2 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1213-B-*-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1213-B-*-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1213-B-*-4 Parasol Z VAV d 1213-B-*-4 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1792-A-200-1 Parasol Z VAV d 1792-A-200-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1792-A-200-2 Parasol Z VAV d 1792-A-200-2 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1792-A-200-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1792-A-200-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1792-A-200-4 Parasol Z VAV d 1792-A-200-4 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1792-B-200-1 Parasol Z VAV d 1792-B-200-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1792-B-200-2 Parasol Z VAV d 1792-B-200-2 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1792-B-200-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1792-B-200-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1792-B-200-4 Parasol Z VAV d 1792-B-200-4 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1823-A-200-1 Parasol Z VAV d 1823-A-200-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1823-A-200-2 Parasol Z VAV d 1823-A-200-2 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1823-A-200-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1823-A-200-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1823-A-200-4 Parasol Z VAV d 1823-A-200-4 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1823-B-200-1 Parasol Z VAV d 1823-B-200-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1823-B-200-2 Parasol Z VAV d 1823-B-200-2 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1823-B-200-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1823-B-200-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 1823-B-200-4 Parasol Z VAV d 1823-B-200-4 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 592-A-*-1 Parasol Z VAV d 592-A-*-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 592-A-*-3 Parasol Z VAV d 592-A-*-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 592-B-*-1 Parasol Z VAV d 592-B-*-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 592-B-*-3 Parasol Z VAV d 592-B-*-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 603-A-*-1 Parasol Z VAV d 603-A-*-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 603-A-*-3 Parasol Z VAV d 603-A-*-3 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 603-B-*-1 Parasol Z VAV d 603-B-*-1 (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d 603-B-*-3 Parasol Z VAV d 603-B-*-3 (IMPERIAL) REACT PARASOL Z d 1192-A-*-1 REACT PARASOL Z d 1192-A-*-2 REACT PARASOL Z d 1192-A-*-3 REACT PARASOL Z d 1192-A-*-4 REACT PARASOL Z d 1192-B-*-1 REACT PARASOL Z d 1192-B-*-2 REACT PARASOL Z d 1192-B-*-3 REACT PARASOL Z d 1192-B-*-4 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792-A-200-1 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792-A-200-2 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792-A-200-3 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792-A-200-4 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792-B-200-1 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792-B-200-2 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792-B-200-3 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792-B-200-4 REACT PARASOL Z d 592-A-*-1 REACT PARASOL Z d 592-A-*-3 REACT PARASOL Z d 592-B-*-1 REACT PARASOL Z d 592-B-*-3 WISE Parasol Z d 1192-2-*-4 WISE Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-1 WISE Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-2 WISE Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-3 WISE Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-4 WISE Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-1 WISE Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-2 WISE Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-3 WISE Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-1 WISE Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-2 WISE Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-3 WISE Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-4 WISE Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-1 WISE Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-2 WISE Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-3 WISE Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-4 WISE Parasol Z d 592-A-*-1 WISE Parasol Z d 592-A-*-3 WISE Parasol Z d 592-B-*-1 WISE Parasol Z d 592-B-*-3 06.05.2024 Supply air device Added to database KITE CCa- 4V KITE CCa+ALSd- 4V KITE CCa+REACT ALSa- 4V KITE CCa-L+ALSd-L- 4V Exctract air device Added to database KITE CCa- F KITE CCa+ALSd- F KITE CCa-L+ALSd-L- F Supply air device Sound data updated KITE CRa+REACT ALSa- 4V Supply air device Removed from database LOCKZONE Fa-1- RO 30.04.2024 Exctract air device Geometry updated & new variants added CTKb 09.04.2024 Supply air device Geometry fixes EAGLE Wb+ALVe-B 1L EAGLE Wb+ALVe-B 1V PELICAN CSa+ALSd- 1V PELICAN CSa+ALSd- 2H PELICAN CSa+ALSd- 2M PELICAN CSa+ALSd- 3V PELICAN CSa+ALSd- 4V VIREO Ca+ALSd (1-step) VIREO Ca+ALSd (2-step) VIREO Ca+ALXa (1-step) VIREO Ca+ALXa (1-step)+DAMPER VIREO Ca+ALXa (2-step) VIREO Ca+ALXa (2-step)+DAMPER Exctract air device Geometry fixes PELICAN CEa N + ALSd (1-step)* VIREO Ca+ALSd- F VIREO Ca+ALXa- F VIREO Ca+ALXa- F+damper Supply air devices Throw length data added for future support in MagiCAD 09.04.2024 Climate beam Removed from database FRB c-430-4.2-I 26.03.2024 Climate beam Added to database Pacific HCa A HF (IMPERIAL) Pacific HCa A LF (IMPERIAL) Pacific HCa A MF (IMPERIAL) Pacific HCa A XF (IMPERIAL) Pacific HCa B HF (IMPERIAL) Pacific HCa B LF (IMPERIAL) Pacific HCa B MF (IMPERIAL) Pacific HCa B XF (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d A (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z d B (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d A (IMPERIAL) Parasol Z VAV d B (IMPERIAL) Climate beam 3D Geometry updated Pacific HCa A HF Pacific HCa A LF Pacific HCa A MF Pacific HCa A XF Pacific HCa B HF Pacific HCa B LF Pacific HCa B MF Pacific HCa B XF Parasol Z d A Parasol Z d B Parasol Z VAV d A Parasol Z VAV d B REACT PARASOL Z d A REACT PARASOL Z d B WISE Parasol Z d A WISE Parasol Z d B Circular duct component WISE Measure_a 22.03.2024 Circular duct component 2D symbol fixed WISE Measure_a REACT Ma Fan Removed from database CASA F 41-83 07.03.2024 AHU Sound data updated, descriptions updated R3 CASA L RH R3 CASA R RH R3 CASA L 500 W RH R3 CASA R 500 W RH 21.02.2024 Supply air device Added to database OPLb-3500 19.02.2024 Supply air device English descrption updated COLIBRI CRb+ALSd- 2M 16.02.2024 Climate beam Product code and dimension update CASA Climate CCF a 600-2-* (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-2-*-LI (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-5-* (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-5-* (Floor) CASA Climate CCF a 600-5-*-LI (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-6-* (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-6-* (Floor) CASA Climate CCF a 600-6-*-LI (Ceiling) 08.02.2024 Climate beam Added to database PACIFIC A Symmetric L=1194 Left PACIFIC A Symmetric L=1794 Left PACIFIC A Symmetric L=2394 Left PACIFIC A Symmetric L=2994 Left PACIFIC B Symmetric L=1194 Left PACIFIC B Symmetric L=1794 Left PACIFIC B Symmetric L=2394 Left PACIFIC B Symmetric L=2994 Left PARAGON d 1400 A Back 2X125 PARAGON d 1400 A Left 2X125 PARAGON d 1400 A Right 2X125 PARAGON d 1400 B Back 2X125 PARAGON d 1400 B Left 2X125 PARAGON d 1400 B Right 2X125 PARAGON VAV d 1400 A Back 2X125 PARAGON VAV d 1400 A Left 2X125 PARAGON VAV d 1400 A Right 2X125 PARAGON VAV d 1400 B Back 2X125 PARAGON VAV d 1400 B Left 2X125 PARAGON VAV d 1400 B Right 2X125 WISE PARAGON d 1400 A Back 2X125 WISE PARAGON d 1400 A Left 2X125 WISE PARAGON d 1400 A Right 2X125 WISE PARAGON d 1400 B Back 2X125 WISE PARAGON d 1400 B Left 2X125 WISE PARAGON d 1400 B Right 2X125 Climate beam 3D geometry updated A11-S Segel Perforated Surface Insulated Cooling even A11-S Segel Perforated Surface Insulated Cooling odd A11-S Segel Perforated Surface Insulated Heating even A11-S Segel Perforated Surface Insulated Heating odd A11-S Segel Perforated Surface No Insulation Cooling even A11-S Segel Perforated Surface No Insulation Cooling odd A11-S Segel Perforated Surface No Insulation Heating even A11-S Segel Perforated Surface No Insulation Heating odd Climate beam Product code & data updates PACIFIC A Symmetric L=1194 Right PACIFIC A Symmetric L=1794 Right PACIFIC A Symmetric L=2394 Right PACIFIC A Symmetric L=2994 Right PACIFIC B Symmetric L=1194 Right PACIFIC B Symmetric L=1794 Right PACIFIC B Symmetric L=2394 Right PACIFIC B Symmetric L=2994 Right PARAGON d A Back PARAGON d B Back PARAGON d B Left (CCO) PARAGON d B Right (CCO) PARAGON VAV d A Back PARAGON VAV d A Left PARAGON VAV d A Right PARAGON VAV d B Back PARAGON VAV d B Left (CCO) PARAGON VAV d B Right (CCO) PARAGON WALL d A Back PARAGON WALL d A Left PARAGON WALL d A Right PARAGON WALL d B Back PARAGON WALL d B Left PARAGON WALL d B Left (CCO) PARAGON WALL d B Right PARAGON WALL d B Right (CCO) PARAGON WALL VAV d A Back PARAGON WALL VAV d A Left PARAGON WALL VAV d A Right PARAGON WALL VAV d B Back PARAGON WALL VAV d B Left PARAGON WALL VAV d B Left (CCO) PARAGON WALL VAV d B Right PARAGON WALL VAV d B Right (CCO) WISE PARAGON d A Back WISE PARAGON d A Left WISE PARAGON d A Right WISE PARAGON d B Back WISE PARAGON d B Left WISE PARAGON d B Left (CCO) WISE PARAGON d B Right WISE PARAGON d B Right (CCO) WISE PARAGON WALL d A Back WISE PARAGON WALL d A Left WISE PARAGON WALL d A Right WISE PARAGON WALL d B Back WISE PARAGON WALL d B Left WISE PARAGON WALL d B Left (CCO) WISE PARAGON WALL d B Right WISE PARAGON WALL d B Right (CCO) Silencer 3D geometry updated CADENZA 2416 length=650 mm CADENZA 2426 length=1250 mm CADENZA 2436 length=1850 mm CADENZA 2446 length=2450 mm 15.01.2024 Climate beam Added to database A11-S Segel Perforated Surface Insulated Cooling even A11-S Segel Perforated Surface Insulated Cooling odd A11-S Segel Perforated Surface Insulated Heating even A11-S Segel Perforated Surface Insulated Heating odd A11-S Segel Perforated Surface No Insulation Cooling even A11-S Segel Perforated Surface No Insulation Cooling odd A11-S Segel Perforated Surface No Insulation Heating even A11-S Segel Perforated Surface No Insulation Heating odd Silencers Added to database CADENZA 2416 length=650 mm CADENZA 2426 length=1250 mm CADENZA 2436 length=1850 mm CADENZA 2446 length=2450 mm CADENZA 2516 length=650 mm CADENZA 3128 length=1250 mm CADENZA 3138 length=1850 mm CALMOa 2411 length=650 mm CALMOa 2421 length=1250 mm CALMOa 2431 length=1850 mm CALMOa 2441 length=2450 mm FACILEa 2411 length=750 mm FACILEa 2421 length=1350 mm FACILEa 2431 length=1950 mm LARGOa 1236 I+U =300 mm Updated, Size 2400x1200 added 11.01.2024 Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-1 3D geometry updated, product/description updated Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-2 Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-3 Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-4 Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-1 Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-2 Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-3 Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-4 Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-1 Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-2 Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-3 Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-4 Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-1 Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-2 Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-3 Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-4 Parasol Z d 592-A-*-1 Parasol Z d 592-A-*-3 Parasol Z d 592-B-*-1 Parasol Z d 592-B-*-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1192-A-*-1 Parasol Z VAV d 1192-A-*-2 Parasol Z VAV d 1192-A-*-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1192-A-*-4 Parasol Z VAV d 1192-B-*-1 Parasol Z VAV d 1192-B-*-2 Parasol Z VAV d 1192-B-*-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1192-B-*-4 Parasol Z VAV d 1213-A-*-1 Parasol Z VAV d 1213-A-*-2 Parasol Z VAV d 1213-A-*-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1213-A-*-4 Parasol Z VAV d 1213-B-*-1 Parasol Z VAV d 1213-B-*-2 Parasol Z VAV d 1213-B-*-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1213-B-*-4 Parasol Z VAV d 1792-A-200-1 Parasol Z VAV d 1792-A-200-2 Parasol Z VAV d 1792-A-200-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1792-A-200-4 Parasol Z VAV d 1792-B-200-1 Parasol Z VAV d 1792-B-200-2 Parasol Z VAV d 1792-B-200-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1792-B-200-4 Parasol Z VAV d 1823-A2-200-1 Parasol Z VAV d 1823-A2-200-2 Parasol Z VAV d 1823-A2-200-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1823-A2-200-4 Parasol Z VAV d 1823-B2-200-1 Parasol Z VAV d 1823-B2-200-2 Parasol Z VAV d 1823-B2-200-3 Parasol Z VAV d 1823-B2-200-4 Parasol Z VAV d 592-A-*-1 Parasol Z VAV d 592-A-*-3 Parasol Z VAV d 592-B-*-1 Parasol Z VAV d 592-B-*-3 Parasol Z VAV d 603-A-*-1 Parasol Z VAV d 603-A-*-3 Parasol Z VAV d 603-B-*-1 Parasol Z VAV d 603-B-*-3 REACT PARASOL Z d 1192-A-*-1 REACT PARASOL Z d 1192-A-*-2 REACT PARASOL Z d 1192-A-*-3 REACT PARASOL Z d 1192-A-*-4 REACT PARASOL Z d 1192-B-*-1 REACT PARASOL Z d 1192-B-*-2 REACT PARASOL Z d 1192-B-*-3 REACT PARASOL Z d 1192-B-*-4 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792-A-200-1 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792-A-200-2 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792-A-200-3 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792-A-200-4 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792-B-200-1 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792-B-200-2 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792-B-200-3 REACT PARASOL Z d 1792-B-200-4 REACT PARASOL Z d 592-A-*-1 REACT PARASOL Z d 592-A-*-3 REACT PARASOL Z d 592-B-*-1 REACT PARASOL Z d 592-B-*-3 WISE Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-1 WISE Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-2 WISE Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-3 WISE Parasol Z d 1192-A-*-4 WISE Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-1 WISE Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-2 WISE Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-3 WISE Parasol Z d 1192-B-*-4 WISE Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-1 WISE Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-2 WISE Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-3 WISE Parasol Z d 1792-A-200-4 WISE Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-1 WISE Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-2 WISE Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-3 WISE Parasol Z d 1792-B-200-4 WISE Parasol Z d 592-A-*-1 WISE Parasol Z d 592-A-*-3 WISE Parasol Z d 592-B-*-1 WISE Parasol Z d 592-B-*-3 21.12.2023 Supply air device Added to database COLIBRI CCb- 4V COLIBRI CCb- OR COLIBRI CCb+ALSd- 4V COLIBRI CCb+ALSd- OR COLIBRI CCb-L+ALSd-L- 4V COLIBRI CCb-L+ALSd-L- OR COLIBRI CRb- 1V COLIBRI CRb- 2H COLIBRI CRb- 2M COLIBRI CRb- 3V COLIBRI CRb- 4V COLIBRI CRb+ALSd- 1V COLIBRI CRb+ALSd- 2H COLIBRI CRb+ALSd- 2M COLIBRI CRb+ALSd- 3V COLIBRI CRb+ALSd- 4V COLIBRI CRb-L+ALSd-L- 1V COLIBRI CRb-L+ALSd-L- 2H COLIBRI CRb-L+ALSd-L- 2M COLIBRI CRb-L+ALSd-L- 3V COLIBRI CRb-L+ALSd-L- 4V COLIBRI CCb- RO English descrption updated COLIBRI CCb+ALSd- RO COLIBRI CCb-L+ALSd-L- RO COLIBRI CRb- RO COLIBRI CRb+ALSd- RO COLIBRI CRb-L+ALSd-L- RO Flow dmaper Family's product code changed REACT V BBACa REACT V BMBa REACT V BMPa REACT V SKNXa 20.12.2023 Climate beam 3D Geometry, weight updated ADRIATIC d A TH Ellipse ADRIATIC d A TH Prism ADRIATIC d B TH Ellipse ADRIATIC d B TH Prism ADRIATIC VAV d A TH Ellipse ADRIATIC VAV d A TH Prism ADRIATIC VAV d B TH Ellipse ADRIATIC VAV d B TH Prism WISE ADRIATIC d A TH Ellipse WISE ADRIATIC d A TH Prism WISE ADRIATIC d B TH Ellipse WISE ADRIATIC d B TH Prism Climate beam Pressure drop updated, new sizes added FRB 430 H Climate beam Sound data updated CASA Climate CCF a 600-2-* (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-2-*-LI (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-5-* (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-5-* (Floor) CASA Climate CCF a 600-5-*-LI (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-6-* (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-6-* (Floor) CASA Climate CCF a 600-6-*-LI (Ceiling) Climate beam Added to database FRB 430 I Pacific HCa A HF L=1194 SIDE Pacific HCa A HF L=1194 TOP Pacific HCa A HF L=1794 SIDE Pacific HCa A HF L=1794 TOP Pacific HCa A HF L=2394 SIDE Pacific HCa A HF L=2394 TOP Pacific HCa A HF L=2994 SIDE Pacific HCa A HF L=2994 TOP Pacific HCa A LF L=1194 SIDE Pacific HCa A LF L=1194 TOP Pacific HCa A LF L=1794 SIDE Pacific HCa A LF L=1794 TOP Pacific HCa A LF L=2394 SIDE Pacific HCa A LF L=2394 TOP Pacific HCa A LF L=2994 SIDE Pacific HCa A LF L=2994 TOP Pacific HCa A MF L=1194 SIDE Pacific HCa A MF L=1194 TOP Pacific HCa A MF L=1794 SIDE Pacific HCa A MF L=1794 TOP Pacific HCa A MF L=2394 SIDE Pacific HCa A MF L=2394 TOP Pacific HCa A MF L=2994 SIDE Pacific HCa A MF L=2994 TOP Pacific HCa A XF L=1194 SIDE Pacific HCa A XF L=1194 TOP Pacific HCa A XF L=1794 SIDE Pacific HCa A XF L=1794 TOP Pacific HCa A XF L=2394 SIDE Pacific HCa A XF L=2394 TOP Pacific HCa A XF L=2994 SIDE Pacific HCa A XF L=2994 TOP Pacific HCa B HF L=1194 SIDE Pacific HCa B HF L=1194 TOP Pacific HCa B HF L=1794 SIDE Pacific HCa B HF L=1794 TOP Pacific HCa B HF L=2394 SIDE Pacific HCa B HF L=2394 TOP Pacific HCa B HF L=2994 SIDE Pacific HCa B HF L=2994 TOP Pacific HCa B LF L=1194 SIDE Pacific HCa B LF L=1194 TOP Pacific HCa B LF L=1794 SIDE Pacific HCa B LF L=1794 TOP Pacific HCa B LF L=2394 SIDE Pacific HCa B LF L=2394 TOP Pacific HCa B LF L=2994 SIDE Pacific HCa B LF L=2994 TOP Pacific HCa B MF L=1194 SIDE Pacific HCa B MF L=1194 TOP Pacific HCa B MF L=1794 SIDE Pacific HCa B MF L=1794 TOP Pacific HCa B MF L=2394 SIDE Pacific HCa B MF L=2394 TOP Pacific HCa B MF L=2994 SIDE Pacific HCa B MF L=2994 TOP Pacific HCa B XF L=1194 SIDE Pacific HCa B XF L=1194 TOP Pacific HCa B XF L=1794 SIDE Pacific HCa B XF L=1794 TOP Pacific HCa B XF L=2394 SIDE Pacific HCa B XF L=2394 TOP Pacific HCa B XF L=2994 SIDE Pacific HCa B XF L=2994 TOP 04.10.2023 Climate beam Added to database ADRIATIC d A TH Ellipse ADRIATIC d A TH Prism ADRIATIC d B TH Ellipse ADRIATIC d B TH Prism ADRIATIC VAV d A TH Ellipse ADRIATIC VAV d A TH Prism ADRIATIC VAV d B TH Ellipse ADRIATIC VAV d B TH Prism WISE ADRIATIC d A TH Ellipse WISE ADRIATIC d A TH Prism WISE ADRIATIC d B TH Ellipse WISE ADRIATIC d B TH Prism 21.09.2023 Flow damper Added to database REACT V BBACa circle REACT V BBACa rectangle REACT V BMBa circle REACT V BMBa rectangle REACT V BMPa circle REACT V BMPa rectangle REACT V SKNXa circle REACT V SKNXa rectangle Flow damper Geometry updated REACT Va (circular&rectangular) extract air device Removed from database CASA-POP Free Flow CASA-POP Central 19.06.2023 Climate beam Size range updated PACIFIC A Symmetric L=1794 PACIFIC B Symmetric L=1794 Climate beam New version released: Parasol Z d * replaces Parasol Z c * Parasol Z VAV d * replaces Parasol Z VAV c * REACT PARASOL Z d * replaces REACT PARASOL Z c * WISE Parasol Z d * replaces WISE Parasol Z d * 02.06.2023 Climate beam Preview picture changed for MagiCAD Cloud Pacific HC TOP 01.06.2023 Climate beam Preview picture added for MagiCAD Cloud Pacific HC 31.05.2023 Climate beam Added to database for USA and Canada market Pacific HCa A HF SIDE Pacific HCa A HF TOP Pacific HCa A LF SIDE Pacific HCa A LF TOP Pacific HCa A MF SIDE Pacific HCa A MF TOP Pacific HCa A XF SIDE Pacific HCa A XF TOP Pacific HCa B HF SIDE Pacific HCa B HF TOP Pacific HCa B LF SIDE Pacific HCa B LF TOP Pacific HCa B MF SIDE Pacific HCa B MF TOP Pacific HCa B XF SIDE Pacific HCa B XF TOP 10.05.2023 Climate beam Duct connection changed to right PACIFIC A Symmetric L=1794 PACIFIC A Symmetric L=2994 PACIFIC A Symmetric L=2394 PACIFIC B Symmetric L=2394 PACIFIC B Symmetric L=1794 PACIFIC B Symmetric L=1194 PACIFIC B Symmetric L=2994 PACIFIC A Symmetric L=1194 19.04.2023 Supply air device Added to database KITE CRa- 1V KITE CRa+ALSd- 1V KITE CRa- 2M KITE CRa+ALSd- 2M KITE CRa- 2H KITE CRa+ALSd- 2H KITE CRa- 3V KITE CRa+ALSd- 3V Supply air device Description updated KITE CRa- 4V KITE CRa+ALSd- 4V KITE CRa-L+ALSd-L- 4V Supply air device Geometry updated COLIBRI CC VFa+REACT ALSa- RO Climate beam Attenuation corrected CASA Climate CCF a 600-2-* (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-2-*-LI (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-5-* (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-5-* (Floor) CASA Climate CCF a 600-5-*-LI (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-6-* (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-6-* (Floor) CASA Climate CCF a 600-6-*-LI (Ceiling) 23.03.2023 Supply/Extract air device 3D model corrected VIREO Ca+ALSd (1-step) VIREO Ca+ALSd (2-step) VIREO Ca+ALSd- F VIREO Ca+ALXa (1-step) VIREO Ca+ALXa (1-step)+DAMPER VIREO Ca+ALXa (2-step) VIREO Ca+ALXa (2-step)+DAMPER VIREO Ca+ALXa- F VIREO Ca+ALXa- F+damper 22.02.2023 Climate beam Added to database CASA Climate CCF a 600-2-* (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-2-*-LI (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-5-* (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-5-* (Floor) CASA Climate CCF a 600-5-*-LI (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-6-* (Ceiling) CASA Climate CCF a 600-6-* (Floor) CASA Climate CCF a 600-6-*-LI (Ceiling) 09.02.2023 Climate beam Added to database PARAGON d A Back PARAGON d B Back PARAGON VAV d A Back PARAGON VAV d B Back PARAGON WALL d A Back PARAGON WALL d B Back PARAGON WALL VAV d A Back PARAGON WALL VAV d B Back WISE PARAGON d A Back WISE PARAGON d B Back WISE PARAGON WALL d A Back WISE PARAGON WALL d B Back Climate beam 3D model updated PARAGON d A Left PARAGON d A Right PARAGON d B Left PARAGON d B Left (CCO) PARAGON d B Right PARAGON d B Right (CCO) PARAGON VAV d A Left PARAGON VAV d A Right PARAGON VAV d B Left PARAGON VAV d B Left (CCO) PARAGON VAV d B Right PARAGON VAV d B Right (CCO) PARAGON WALL d A Left PARAGON WALL d A Right PARAGON WALL d B Left PARAGON WALL d B Left (CCO) PARAGON WALL d B Right PARAGON WALL d B Right (CCO) PARAGON WALL VAV d A Left PARAGON WALL VAV d A Right PARAGON WALL VAV d B Left PARAGON WALL VAV d B Left (CCO) PARAGON WALL VAV d B Right PARAGON WALL VAV d B Right (CCO) WISE PARAGON d A Left WISE PARAGON d A Right WISE PARAGON d B Left WISE PARAGON d B Left (CCO) WISE PARAGON d B Right WISE PARAGON d B Right (CCO) WISE PARAGON WALL d A Left WISE PARAGON WALL d A Right WISE PARAGON WALL d B Left WISE PARAGON WALL d B Left (CCO) WISE PARAGON WALL d B Right WISE PARAGON WALL d B Right (CCO) 30.01.2023 Distribution box Added support for MagiCAD for AutoCAD 2023 UR-2 BLBd 30.01.2023 Extract air device 3D model update KITE CRa- F KITE CRa+ALSd- F KITE CRa-L+ALSd-L- F Supply air device 3D model update COLIBRI CC VFa+REACT ALSa- RO LOCKZONE C VFa+REACT ALSa- RO WISE Colibri a- RO WISE Sphere Cc- 4V WISE Sphere Fc- 4V KITE CRa- 4V KITE CRa+ALSd- 4V KITE CRa-L+ALSd-L- 4V KITE CRa+REACT ALSa- 4V Supply air device Added to database COLIBRI CC VFa- RO COLIBRI CC VFa+ALSd- RO LOCKZONE C VFa- RO LOCKZONE C VFa+ALSd- RO WISE Kite CR a- 4V WISE Lockzone a- RO 28.12.2022 Extract air device Product code changed Swegon CASA Tango 70 Central-> Swegon CASA Tango+ Central Swegon CASA Tango 70 Free Flow-> Swegon CASA Tango+ Free Flow Swegon CASA Tango 70 Smart-> Swegon CASA Tango+ Smart 20.12.2022 Supply air device Added to database COLIBRI CC VFa+REACT ALSa- RO KITE CRa+REACT ALSa- 4V LOCKZONE C VFa+REACT ALSa- RO supply air device Technical data updated WISE Colibri_a- RO 13.12.2022 AHU Model changed to correct one W4 CASA Econo L 30.11.2022 Climate beam Weight added ADRIATIC d A Ellipse ADRIATIC d A Prism ADRIATIC d B Ellipse ADRIATIC d B Prism 09.11.2022 Climate beam Added to database ADRIATIC d A Ellipse ADRIATIC d A Prism ADRIATIC d B Ellipse ADRIATIC d B Prism ADRIATIC VAV d A Ellipse ADRIATIC VAV d A Prism ADRIATIC VAV d B Ellipse ADRIATIC VAV d B Prism WISE ADRIATIC d A Ellipse WISE ADRIATIC d A Prism WISE ADRIATIC d B Ellipse WISE ADRIATIC d B Prism 31.10.2022 Silencers Description updated CLA-A SORDO-A Silencers Product Code updated CADENZA a-1016-1000-0700-650 CADENZA a-1017-1000-0300-650 Silencers Preview picture added CLA-A CLA-B SORDO-A SORDO-B SORDO-C SORDO-P SORDO-PF 25.10.2022 Climate beam Removed from database ADRIATIC VF A Symmetric L=1185 ADRIATIC VF A Symmetric L=1785 ADRIATIC VF A Symmetric L=2385 ADRIATIC VF A Symmetric L=2985 ADRIATIC VF A Symmetric L=3585 ADRIATIC VF B Symmetric L=1185 ADRIATIC VF B Symmetric L=1785 ADRIATIC VF B Symmetric L=2385 ADRIATIC VF B Symmetric L=2985 ADRIATIC VF B Symmetric L=3585 01.09.2022 AHU Data added and descriptions updated R4-C CASA L 500W RH R4-C CASA R 500W RH Climate beam Removed from database PARAGON c A HC Left 125 PARAGON c A HC Right 125 PARAGON c A NC Left 125 PARAGON c A NC Right 125 PARAGON c B HC Left 125 PARAGON c B HC Right 125 PARAGON c B NC Left 125 PARAGON c B NC Right 125 PARAGON WALL c A HC Left 125 PARAGON WALL c A HC Rigth 125 PARAGON WALL c A NC Left 125 PARAGON WALL c A NC Rigth 125 PARAGON WALL c B HC Left 125 PARAGON WALL c B HC Right 125 PARAGON WALL c B NC Left 125 PARAGON WALL c B NC Right 125 30.08.2022 Supply air Duct size corrected DHCe 125-3V+REGb 125 EAGLE CRa 200-500-2H+ALSd 160-200 Extract air Duct size corrected COLIBRI CRb 250-600-F Fire damper Duct size corrected IGNIS-C-E60-100 IGNIS-C-EI60-100 Silencer 2D Geometry updated FACILEa 11.08.2022 Outdoor exhaust air Added database group ALD-1 ALD-2 Outdoor supply air ALD-1 ALD-2 08.08.2022 Outdoor exhaust air Added to database ALD-1 ALD-2 Outdoor supply air ALD-1 ALD-2 04.07.2022 Climate beam Added to database REACT PARASOL Z c 592-A-*-1 REACT PARASOL Z c 592-A-*-3 REACT PARASOL Z c 592-B-*-1 REACT PARASOL Z c 592-B-*-3 REACT PARASOL Z c 1192-A-*-1 REACT PARASOL Z c 1192-A-*-2 REACT PARASOL Z c 1192-A-*-3 REACT PARASOL Z c 1192-A-*-4 REACT PARASOL Z c 1192-B-*-1 REACT PARASOL Z c 1192-B-*-2 REACT PARASOL Z c 1192-B-*-3 REACT PARASOL Z c 1192-B-*-4 REACT PARASOL Z c 1792-A-200-1 REACT PARASOL Z c 1792-A-200-2 REACT PARASOL Z c 1792-A-200-3 REACT PARASOL Z c 1792-A-200-4 REACT PARASOL Z c 1792-B-200-1 REACT PARASOL Z c 1792-B-200-2 REACT PARASOL Z c 1792-B-200-3 REACT PARASOL Z c 1792-B-200-4 03.06.2022 Supply & Extract Added to database KITE Fa Supply air device Geometry upgraded, description changed, weight added COLIBRI Fb- RO COLIBRI Fb- VD COLIBRI Fb- VK EAGLE Fg- RO EAGLE Fg- VD EAGLE Fg- VK Extract air device Geometry upgraded, description changed, weight added COLIBRI Fb- F EAGLE Fg- F EXP Fb- F 02.06.2022 Silencer FACILEa Geometry upgraded, added top hatch variants CAV Product Code, descriptions updated 23.05.2022 AHU Added to database R4-C CASA L 500W RH R4-C CASA R 500W RH Outdoor exhaust air Added to database WGO16 Outdoor supply air Added to database WGI16 Outdoor supply air 3D, product code change, weight added WGI12 Outdoor exhaust air 3D, product code change, weight added WGO12 09.05.2022 climate beam Updated, added new sizes PRIMO d 28.04.2022 supply air device Split to families: Vireo Ca+ALSd/ALXa VIREO Ca+ALSd (1-step) VIREO Ca+ALSd (2-step) VIREO Ca+ALXa (1-step) VIREO Ca+ALXa (2-step) VIREO Ca+ALXa (1-step)+DAMPER VIREO Ca+ALXa (2-step)+DAMPER climate beam Removed from database FRB290 15.03.2022 Roof fan Added to database CASA F 15-25 CASA F 41-83 3D, descriptions and Product code change, electrical data added AHU R15-H CASA L RH 3D, weight, descriptions, sound data and Product code change,electrical data added R15-H CASA R RH 3D, weight, descriptions, sound data and Product code change,electrical data added R5-H CASA L 700W RH 3D, weight, descriptions, data and Product code change R5-H CASA R 700W RH 3D, weight, descriptions, data and Product code change R7-H CASA L 1400W RH 3D, descriptions, data and Product code change R7-H CASA R 1400W RH 3D, descriptions, data and Product code change R9-H CASA L 3D, weight, descriptions, data and Product code change R9-H CASA R 3D, weight, descriptions, data and Product code change W3 CASA Econo L 3D, weight, descriptions, data and Product code change W3 CASA Econo R 3D, weight, descriptions, data and Product code change W3xs CASA L 1240W RH 3D, descriptions, electrical data and Product code change W3xs CASA L 740W RH 3D, descriptions, electrical data and Product code change W3xs CASA R 740W RH 3D, descriptions, electrical data and Product code change W3xs CASA R 1240W RH 3D, descriptions, electrical data and Product code change W4 CASA Econo L 3D, weight, descriptions, data and Product code change W4 CASA Econo R 3D, weight, descriptions, data and Product code change W4xs CASA L 1240W RH 3D, descriptions, electrical data and Product code change W4xs CASA R 1240W RH 3D, descriptions, electrical data and Product code change W5 CASA L 500W RH 3D, descriptions, data and Product code change W5 CASA R 500W RH 3D, descriptions, data and Product code change W9 CASA Econo L 3D, descriptions, data and Product code change W9 CASA Econo R 3D, descriptions, data and Product code change W9 CASA L 900W RH 3D, weight, descriptions, data and Product code change W9 CASA L 900W RH 3D, weight, descriptions, data and Product code change 10.03.2022 All silencers Weight added 21.02.2022 Duct components 2D symbol fixed REACT P-Xa-SR REACT P-Xa REACT Va-SR REACT Va REACT Pa REACT Ma WISE Measure_a 03.02.2022 Climate beams Weight added ADAPT PARASOL EX b ADRIATIC VF FRB PACIFIC PARAGON d PARAGON VAV d PARAGON WALL d PARAGON WALL VAV d PARASOL c PARASOL EX c Parasol Z c Parasol Z VAV c PRIMO d WISE PARAGON d WISE PARAGON WALL d WISE PARASOL a WISE PARASOL EX a WISE Parasol Z c Climate beams Description in English updated PARAGON c PARAGON WALL c Removed ADAPT PARASOL EX b 1290-A-MF Left ADAPT PARASOL EX b 1290-A-MF Right ADAPT PARASOL EX b 1290-B-MF Left ADAPT PARASOL EX b 1290-B-MF Right 03.01.2022 Distribution box Added to database BLBd ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date Product Product Type Changes in brief 22.12.2021 RHS Exhaust/Outdoor Geometry updated FRB290 Climate beam Model corrected, technical data restored FRB430 PACIFIC A Symmetric L=1194 PACIFIC A Symmetric L=1794 PACIFIC A Symmetric L=2394 PACIFIC A Symmetric L=2994 PACIFIC B Symmetric L=1194 PACIFIC B Symmetric L=1794 PACIFIC B Symmetric L=2394 PACIFIC B Symmetric L=2994 16.12.2021 Swegon CASA Tango 70 Central Extract air device Model correted Swegon CASA Tango 70 Free Flow Swegon CASA Tango 70 Smart 14.12.2021 PARAGON d A Left Climate beam Added to database PARAGON d A Right PARAGON d B Left PARAGON d B Left (CCO) PARAGON d B Right PARAGON d B Right (CCO) PARAGON VAV d A Left PARAGON VAV d A Right PARAGON VAV d B Left PARAGON VAV d B Left (CCO) PARAGON VAV d B Right PARAGON VAV d B Right (CCO) WISE PARAGON d A Left WISE PARAGON d A Right WISE PARAGON d B Left WISE PARAGON d B Left (CCO) WISE PARAGON d B Right WISE PARAGON d B Right (CCO) PARAGON WALL d A Left PARAGON WALL d A Right PARAGON WALL d B Left PARAGON WALL d B Left (CCO) PARAGON WALL d B Right PARAGON WALL d B Right (CCO) PARAGON WALL VAV d A Left PARAGON WALL VAV d A Right PARAGON WALL VAV d B Left PARAGON WALL VAV d B Left (CCO) PARAGON WALL VAV d B Right PARAGON WALL VAV d B Right (CCO) WISE PARAGON WALL d A Left WISE PARAGON WALL d A Right WISE PARAGON WALL d B Left WISE PARAGON WALL d B Left (CCO) WISE PARAGON WALL d B Right WISE PARAGON WALL d B Right (CCO) 08.12.2021 3D upgraded, added new sizes ROCa-RO Supply air device ROCa-RO+ALSd ROCa-F Extract air device ROCa-F+ALSd 05.11.2021 Air handling unit R15 Smart L --> R15 CASA L RH 3D, Product code, Description and Sound data updated R9 Smart L --> R9 CASA L RH 3D, Product code, Description and Sound data updated R7 Smart L --> R7 CASA L RH 3D, Product code, Description and Sound data updated R7 CASA L 1400 W RH added to database R5 Smart L --> R5 CASA L RH 3D, Product code, Description and Sound data updated R5 Smart R --> R5 CASA R RH 3D, Product code, Description and Sound data updated R5 CASA L 800 W RH added to database R5 CASA R 800 W RH added to database R3 Smart L--> R3 CASA L RH 3D, Product code and Description updated R3 Smart R --> R3 CASA R RH 3D, Product code and Description updated R3 CASA L 500 W RH added to database R3 CASA R 500 W RH added to database R2 Smart L-> R2 CASA L 400 W RH 3D, Product code, Description and Sound data updated R2 Smart R-> R2 CASA R 400 W RH 3D, Product code, Description and Sound data updated R2 CASA L 700 W RH added to database R2 CASA R 700W RH added to database R5 Comfort L removed from database W4 Smart L removed from database W4 Smart R removed from database W3 Smart L removed from database W3 Smart R removed from database 1000 EC L removed from database 1000 EC R removed from database 270 Mio L removed from database 270 Mio R removed from database 09.09.2021 New version of Paragon 3D models added for coming database version 24.08.2021 New version of Paragon 3D models added for coming database version 01.07.2021 GRCb Extract air device replaces GRCa- F, 3D and technical data updated GRCb + ALS replaces GRCa + ALSd- F, 3D and technical data updated SWIFT C Extract & Supply Updated 3D and removed D160 variants from supply product SWIFT C + ALS Extract & Supply Updated 3D and removed D160 variants from supply product COLIBRI CRb 200-600-RO supply air device parameter value corrected 23.06.2021 3D updated, electrical connection added REACT P-Xa SR Flow damper REACT P-Xa REACT Pa REACT Va SR REACT Va REACT Ma other duct component WISE Measure a 14.06.2021 climate beam Product Code updated and/or duct position changed Parasol Z VAV b 1192-A2-125-4 changed to Parasol Z VAV c 1192-A2-125-4 Parasol Z VAV b 1213-A2-125-4 changed to Parasol Z VAV c 1213-A2-125-4 Parasol Z VAV b 1192-A2-160-4 changed to Parasol Z VAV c 1192-A2-160-4 Parasol Z VAV b 1213-B2-160-1 changed to Parasol Z VAV c 1213-B2-160-1 Parasol Z VAV b 1213-A2-160-4 chnaged to Parasol Z VAV c 1213-A2-160-4 Parasol Z VAV b 1213-B2-160-3 changed to Parasol Z VAV c 1213-B2-160-3 Parasol Z VAV b 1192-B2-160-3 changed to Parasol Z VAV c 1192-B2-160-3 Parasol Z VAV b 1192-B2-160-1 changed to Parasol Z VAV c 1192-B2-160-1 WISE Parasol Z c 592-A2-160-3 WISE Parasol Z c 592-A2-125-3 31.05.2021 RHS Outdoor exhaust air 3D updated RHS Outdoor supply air 3D updated 19.05.2021 ZEFIRO SHS fancoil 3D updated BREZZA fancoil 3D updated, electrical connection added 04.05.2021 Parasol Zc climate beam 3D updated, pipe connections fixed Parasol Z VAV c WISE Parasol Z c 28.04.2021 Product geometry upgraded and descriptions updated CDDb+ALSd- 4V supply air device CDKb+ALSd- 4V CDRc+ALSd- 4V CKPa+ALSd- 4V CDDb- 4V CDKb- 4V CDRc- 4V CKPa- 4V CDDb+ALSd- F extract air device CDRc+ALSd- F CDDb- F CDRc- F 30.03.2021 Added to database Swegon CASA Tango 70 Central extract air device Swegon CASA Tango 70 Free Flow Swegon CASA Tango 70 Smart W3xs Smart L 1240W Abp RH Air handling unit W3xs Smart L 740W Abp RH W3xs Smart R 740W Abp RH W3xs Smart R 1240W Abp RH W4xs Smart L 1240W Abp RH W4xs Smart R 1240W Abp RH CHB 125 flow damper FLK Other duct component SDCW SDCW 250F SDHE SDHW SDHW 250F CDDb+ALSd- F 3D model corrected CDRb+ALSd- F CDKa+ALSd- 4V CDDb+ALSd- 4V CDRb+ALSd- 4V 22.03.2021 Added to database WISE PARASOL a 1192-A right climate beam CASA-POP Central extract air device CASA-POP Free Flow CASA-SAMBA Central CASA-SAMBA Smart 09.03.2021 silencer Added to database SORDO-PF L= 900mm with Center pod (3 variants) SORDO-PF L=1000mm with Center pod (1 variants) SORDO-PF L=1200mm with Center pod (3 variants) SORDO-PF L=1600mm with Center pod (2 variants) SORDO-PF L=2000mm with Center pod (2 variants) SORDO-PF L=2400mm with Center pod (1 variants) SORDO-PF L=3200mm with Center pod (1 variants) SORDO-PF L=4000mm with Center pod (1 variants) ADRIATIC VF c climate beam Flow direction in pipe connection updated, pressure data restored ADRIATIC VF c 1.2-A-OH-2H/2H-R ADRIATIC VF c 1.8-A-OH-2LH/2LH-R ADRIATIC VF c 2.4-A-OH-2L2M/2L2M-R ADRIATIC VF c 3.0-A-OH-2L3M/2L3M-R ADRIATIC VF c 3.6-A-OH-2L2M2H/2L2M2H-R ADRIATIC VF c 1.2-B-OH-2H/2H-R ADRIATIC VF c 1.8-B-OH-2LH/2LH-R ADRIATIC VF c 2.4-B-OH-2L2M/2L2M-R ADRIATIC VF c 3.0-B-OH-2L3M/2L3M-R ADRIATIC VF c 3.6-B-OH-2L2M2H/2L2M2H-R 20.11.2020 climate beam Added to database for North America and Canada Parasol Z VAV c 1213-A2-*-1 (2 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 1213-A2-*-2 (2 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 1213-A2-*-3 (2 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 1213-A2-*-4 (2 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 1213-B2-*-1 (2 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 1213-B2-*-2 (2 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 1213-B2-*-3 (2 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 1213-B2-*-4 (2 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 1823-A2-200-1 (1 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 1823-A2-200-2 (1 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 1823-A2-200-3 (1 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 1823-A2-200-4 (1 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 1823-B2-200-1 (1 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 1823-B2-200-2 (1 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 1823-B2-200-3 (1 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 1823-B2-200-4 (1 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 603-A2-*-1 (2 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 603-A2-*-3 (2 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 603-B2-*-1 (2 variants) Parasol Z VAV c 603-B2-*-3 (2 variants) Parasol Z c 1192-A2-*-4 Removed heating data WISE Parasol Z c 1192-A2-*-4 29.10.2020 React VA Air flow damper Length changed climate beam Added to database PARAGON c A HC Left 125 (5 variants) PARAGON c A HC Right 125 (5 variants) PARAGON c A NC Left 125 (5 variants) PARAGON c A NC Right 125 (5 variants) PARAGON c B HC Left 125 (5 variants) PARAGON c B HC Right 125 (5 variants) PARAGON c B NC Left 125 (5 variants) PARAGON c B NC Right 125 (5 variants) PARAGON WALL c A HC Left 125 (5 variants) PARAGON WALL c A HC Rigth 125 (5 variants) PARAGON WALL c A NC Left 125 (5 variants) PARAGON WALL c A NC Rigth 125 (5 variants) PARAGON WALL c B HC Left 125 (5 variants) PARAGON WALL c B HC Right 125 (5 variants) PARAGON WALL c B NC Left 125 (5 variants) PARAGON WALL c B NC Right 125 (5 variants) Removed from database ADAPT PARASOL b 1192-A-HF (3 variants) ADAPT PARASOL b 1192-A-HF (3 variants) ADAPT PARASOL b 1192-A-PF (3 variants) ADAPT PARASOL b 1192-A-PF (3 variants) ADAPT PARASOL b 1192-B-HF (3 variants) ADAPT PARASOL b 1192-B-HF (3 variants) ADAPT PARASOL b 1192-B-PF (3 variants) ADAPT PARASOL b 1192-B-PF (3 variants) ADAPT PARASOL b 592-A-MF (3 variants) ADAPT PARASOL b 592-A-MF (3 variants) ADAPT PARASOL b 592-B-MF (3 variants) ADAPT PARASOL b 592-B-MF (3 variants) PARAGON a 1100 A Left (6 variants) PARAGON a 1100 A Right (6 variants) PARAGON a 1100 B Left (6 variants) PARAGON a 1100 B Right (6 variants) PARAGON a 1300 A Left (6 variants) PARAGON a 1300 A Right (6 variants) PARAGON a 1300 B Left (6 variants) PARAGON a 1300 B Right (6 variants) PARAGON a 1500 A Left (6 variants) PARAGON a 1500 A Right (6 variants) PARAGON a 1500 B Left (6 variants) PARAGON a 1500 B Right (6 variants) PARAGON a 900 A Left (6 variants) PARAGON a 900 A Right (6 variants) PARAGON a 900 B Left (6 variants) PARAGON a 900 B Right (6 variants) PARAGON WALL a 1100 A L (3 variants) PARAGON WALL a 1100 A R (3 variants) PARAGON WALL a 1100 B L (3 variants) PARAGON WALL a 1100 B R (3 variants) PARAGON WALL a 1300 A L (3 variants) PARAGON WALL a 1300 A R (3 variants) PARAGON WALL a 1300 B L (3 variants) PARAGON WALL a 1300 B R (3 variants) PARAGON WALL a 1500 A L (3 variants) PARAGON WALL a 1500 A R (3 variants) PARAGON WALL a 1500 B L (3 variants) PARAGON WALL a 1500 B R (3 variants) PARAGON WALL a 900 A L (3 variants) PARAGON WALL a 900 A R (3 variants) PARAGON WALL a 900 B L (3 variants) PARAGON WALL a 900 B R (3 variants) 12.10.2020 COLIBRI Fb- RO Supply air device Added COLIBRI Fb- VD COLIBRI Fb- VK EAGLE Fg- RO EAGLE Fg- VD EAGLE Fg- VK KITE CRa-L+ALSd-L-4V COLIBRI Fb- F Extract air device Added EAGLE Fg- F EXP Fb- F KITE CRa-L+ALSd-L- F REACT PA Air flow damper Added REACT P-Xa REACT P-Xa-SR REACT VA REACT VA-SR WISE Damper_a WISE Damper_a* REACT MA Other duct component added WISE Mausure_a COLIBRI Fa * Supply air device Removed from database EAGLE Ff * COLIBRI Fa * Extract air device Removed from database EAGLE Ff * EXP Fa- F REACTa Air flow damper Removed from database REACTa-GUAC REACTa-IR REACTa-MB REACTa-MB-IR WISE Da WISE Da * 01.10.2020 Climate beam Dimensions updated Parasol Z c 1792-A2-200-2 Parasol Z c 1792-A2-200-3 Parasol Z c 1792-A2-200-4 Parasol Z c 1792-B2-200-2 Parasol Z c 1792-B2-200-3 Parasol Z c 1792-B2-200-4 WISE Parasol Z c 1792-A2-200-1 WISE Parasol Z c 1792-A2-200-2 WISE Parasol Z c 1792-A2-200-3 WISE Parasol Z c 1792-B2-200-1 WISE Parasol Z c 1792-B2-200-2 WISE Parasol Z c 1792-B2-200-3 WISE Parasol Z c 1792-B2-200-4 Removed from database Parasol Z VAV b 1192-B2-*-4 Parasol Z VAV b 592-A2-*-1 Parasol Z VAV b 592-B2-*-1 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-A2-*-1 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-A2-*-2 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-A2-*-4 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-B2-*-1 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-B2-*-2 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-B2-*-4 WISE Parasol Z b 592-A2-*-1 WISE Parasol Z b 592-B2-*-1 10.09.2020 Climate beam Renewed and added new types ADAPT PARASOL EX b 1290-A-HF Left ADAPT PARASOL EX b 1290-A-HF Right ADAPT PARASOL EX b 1290-A-MF Left ADAPT PARASOL EX b 1290-A-MF Right ADAPT PARASOL Ex b 1290-A-PF Left ADAPT PARASOL Ex b 1290-A-PF Right ADAPT PARASOL EX b 1290-B-HF Left ADAPT PARASOL EX b 1290-B-HF Right ADAPT PARASOL EX b 1290-B-MF Left ADAPT PARASOL EX b 1290-B-MF Right ADAPT PARASOL Ex b 1290-B-PF Left ADAPT PARASOL Ex b 1290-B-PF Right ADAPT PARASOL Ex b 690-A-MF Right ADAPT PARASOL Ex b 690-A-PF Right ADAPT PARASOL Ex b 690-B-MF Right ADAPT PARASOL Ex b 690-B-PF Right PARASOL EX c 1290-A-HF Left PARASOL EX c 1290-A-HF Right PARASOL EX c 1290-A-MF Left PARASOL EX c 1290-A-MF Right PARASOL EX c 1290-A-PF Left PARASOL EX c 1290-A-PF Right PARASOL EX c 1290-B-HF Left PARASOL EX c 1290-B-HF Right PARASOL EX c 1290-B-MF Left PARASOL EX c 1290-B-MF Right PARASOL EX c 1290-B-PF Left PARASOL EX c 1290-B-PF Right PARASOL EX c 690-A-HF Static Right PARASOL EX c 690-A-MF Right PARASOL EX c 690-B-HF Static Right PARASOL EX c 690-B-MF Right WISE PARASOL EX a 1290-A-HF Left WISE PARASOL EX a 1290-A-HF Right WISE PARASOL EX a 1290-A-MF Left WISE PARASOL EX a 1290-A-MF Right WISE PARASOL Ex a 1290-A-PF Left WISE PARASOL Ex a 1290-A-PF Right WISE PARASOL EX a 1290-B-HF Left WISE PARASOL EX a 1290-B-HF Right WISE PARASOL EX a 1290-B-MF Left WISE PARASOL EX a 1290-B-MF Right WISE PARASOL Ex a 1290-B-PF Left WISE PARASOL Ex a 1290-B-PF Right WISE PARASOL Ex a 690-A-MF Right WISE PARASOL Ex a 690-A-PF Right WISE PARASOL Ex a 690-B-MF Right WISE PARASOL Ex a 690-B-PF Right 30.06.2020 VARICOOL SMa 0-A Cooling Radiant panel Added VARICOOL SMa 0-A Heating VARICOOL SMa 0-EX Cooling VARICOOL SMa 0-EX Heating VARICOOL SMa 1-A Cooling VARICOOL SMa 1-A Heating VARICOOL SMa 1-EX Cooling VARICOOL SMa 1-EX Heating KITE CRa- 4V Supply air device Added KITE CRa+ALSd- 4V KITE CRa- F Extract air device Added KITE CRa+ALSd- F 09.06.2020 Supply air device CLHb 3D geometry updated for Preview CDHb COLIBRI CRb L-200-600-RO+ALSd L-160-200 Sound generation corrected 14.04.2020 supply air device Product code updated: Version a changed to b IBISb+IBIS Cb- 1V IBISb+IBIS Cb- 2L IBISb+IBIS Cb- 2S IBISb- 1V IBISb- 2L IBISb- 2S CDHb-60-500-100-2-2-4V supply air device Dimensions updated CDHb-33-300-100-2-2-4V climate beam Removed PARASOL Z a 1192-A2-*-1 PARASOL Z a 1192-A2-*-2 PARASOL Z a 1192-A2-*-3 PARASOL Z a 1192-A2-*-4 PARASOL Z a 1192-B2-*-1 PARASOL Z a 1192-B2-*-2 PARASOL Z a 1192-B2-*-3 PARASOL Z a 1192-B2-*-4 PARASOL Z a 1792-A2-*-1 PARASOL Z a 1792-A2-*-2 PARASOL Z a 1792-A2-*-3 PARASOL Z a 1792-A2-*-4 18.03.2020 Supply air device Technical data updated, new size 60 added CDHb CLHb RASTER GRL Extract air device Restored Silencer Size list updated CADENZAA-1227-*-*-1250 CALMOa-0811-*-*-650 CALMOa-0812-*-*-650 CALMOa-0813-*-*-650 CALMOa-0821-*-*-1250 CALMOa-0822-*-*-1250 CALMOa-0823-*-*-1250 CALMOa-0831-*-*-1850 CALMOa-0832-*-*-1850 CALMOa-0833-*-*-1850 CALMOa-1021-*-*-1250 CALMOa-1231-*-*-1850 CALMOa-1831-*-*-1850 CALMOa-1841-*-*-2450 MORENDO a-201-*-*-650 MORENDO a-403-*-*-1250 LENTOa Silencer Size list updated, height 300 - duct size corrected BREZZA 600 x 600 cooling Fancoil 3D model updated BREZZA 600 x 600 cooling & heating BREZZA 600 x 600 heating BREZZA 900 x 900 cooling BREZZA 900 x 900 cooling & heating BREZZA 900 x 900 heating ZEFIRO SHS left cooling Fancoil 3D model updated, height is changed ZEFIRO SHS left cooling & heating ZEFIRO SHS left heating ZEFIRO SHS right cooling ZEFIRO SHS right cooling & heating ZEFIRO SHS right heating Removed from database Supply air device ADAPT Cd- RO DOMO Sa- 125 Extract air device ADAPT Ed- F DOMO E/R a- 125 Air flow damper ADAPT Box supply ADAPT Dd CONTROL Ra CONTROL Ra-N CONTROL RA-IR CONTROL Za CONTROL Za-N CONTROL Za-IR SLAVE Ra SLAVE Ra-N SLAVE Ra-IR SLAVE Za SLAVE Za-N SLAVE Za-IR 19.12.2019 Tree structure created, All products Products divided into groups Colibri F-400 Extract type Moved to the same product family, where small sizes are 15.11.2019 Old COLIBRI CCb and COLIBRI CRb are removed New products added to database: COLIBRI CCb+ALSd- RO Supply air device COLIBRI CCb-L+ALSd-L- RO COLIBRI CCb- RO COLIBRI CRb+ALSd- RO COLIBRI CRb-L+ALSd-L- RO COLIBRI CRb- RO 17.10.2019 Extract air device Added CDDb- F CDDb+ALSd- F CDRb- F CDRb+ALSd- F COLIBRI CCb- F Added more sizes COLIBRI CCb+ALSd- F LOCKZONE Ca- F LOCKZONE Ca+ALSd- F Supply air device Modified CDDb+ALSd- 4V CDKa- 4V 11.09.2019 Brezza fancoils Products copied from Aertesi database LNH Zefiro SHS 30.04.2019 RHS Outdoor exhaust air Added WGS WHD WHS RHS Outdoor supply air Added WGS WHD WHS EXK Extract air Added RINOi PINODq freeAir plus RINO Supply air Added CLIK CLIK freeAir plus freeAir AHU Added CASA F R2 Smart L AHU Name changed from R2 Comfort L and geometry updated R2 Smart R Name changed from R2 Comfort R and geometry updated R5-H Smart L Name changed from R5-H L R5-H Smart R Name changed from R5-H R R7 Smart L Name changed from R7 Comfort L and geometry updated R7-H Smart L Name changed from R7-H L R7-H Smart R Name changed from R7-H R R9 Smart L Name changed from R9 Comfort L and geometry updated R9-H Smart L Name changed from R9-H L R9-H Smart R Name changed from R9-H R R15 Smart L Name changed from R15 Comfort L and geometry updated R15-H Smart L Name changed from R15-H L R15-H Smart R Name changed from R15-H R 17.04.2019 Parasol Z b 1192-A2-*-1 Climate beam Description updated Parasol Z b 1192-A2-*-2 Parasol Z b 1192-A2-*-4 Parasol Z b 1192-B2-*-1 Parasol Z b 1192-B2-*-2 Parasol Z b 1192-B2-*-4 Parasol Z b 1792-A2-200-1 Parasol Z b 1792-A2-200-2 Parasol Z b 1792-A2-200-4 Parasol Z b 1792-B2-200-1 Parasol Z b 1792-B2-200-2 Parasol Z b 1792-B2-200-4 Parasol Z b 592-A2-*-1 Parasol Z b 592-B2-*-1 Parasol Z VAV b 1192-A2-*-1 Parasol Z VAV b 1192-A2-*-2 Parasol Z VAV b 1192-A2-*-4 Parasol Z VAV b 1192-B2-*-1 Parasol Z VAV b 1192-B2-*-2 Parasol Z VAV b 1192-B2-*-4 Parasol Z VAV b 1792-A2-200-1 Parasol Z VAV b 1792-A2-200-2 Parasol Z VAV b 1792-A2-200-4 Parasol Z VAV b 1792-B2-200-1 Parasol Z VAV b 1792-B2-200-2 Parasol Z VAV b 1792-B2-200-4 Parasol Z VAV b 592-A2-*-1 Parasol Z VAV b 592-B2-*-1 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-A2-*-1 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-A2-*-2 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-A2-*-4 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-B2-*-1 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-B2-*-2 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-B2-*-4 WISE Parasol Z b 1792-A2-200-1 WISE Parasol Z b 1792-A2-200-2 WISE Parasol Z b 1792-A2-200-4 WISE Parasol Z b 1792-B2-200-1 WISE Parasol Z b 1792-B2-200-2 WISE Parasol Z b 1792-B2-200-4 WISE Parasol Z b 592-A2-*-1 WISE Parasol Z b 592-B2-*-1 10.04.2019 Parasol Z b 1192-A2-*-1 Climate beam Added Parasol Z b 1192-A2-*-2 Parasol Z b 1192-A2-*-4 Parasol Z b 1192-B2-*-1 Parasol Z b 1192-B2-*-2 Parasol Z b 1192-B2-*-4 Parasol Z b 1792-A2-200-1 Parasol Z b 1792-A2-200-2 Parasol Z b 1792-A2-200-4 Parasol Z b 1792-B2-200-1 Parasol Z b 1792-B2-200-2 Parasol Z b 1792-B2-200-4 Parasol Z b 592-A2-*-1 Parasol Z b 592-B2-*-1 Parasol Z VAV b 1192-A2-*-1 Parasol Z VAV b 1192-A2-*-2 Parasol Z VAV b 1192-A2-*-4 Parasol Z VAV b 1192-B2-*-1 Parasol Z VAV b 1192-B2-*-2 Parasol Z VAV b 1192-B2-*-4 Parasol Z VAV b 1792-A2-200-1 Parasol Z VAV b 1792-A2-200-2 Parasol Z VAV b 1792-A2-200-4 Parasol Z VAV b 1792-B2-200-1 Parasol Z VAV b 1792-B2-200-2 Parasol Z VAV b 1792-B2-200-4 Parasol Z VAV b 592-A2-*-1 Parasol Z VAV b 592-B2-*-1 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-A2-*-1 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-A2-*-2 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-A2-*-4 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-B2-*-1 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-B2-*-2 WISE Parasol Z b 1192-B2-*-4 WISE Parasol Z b 1792-A2-200-1 WISE Parasol Z b 1792-A2-200-2 WISE Parasol Z b 1792-A2-200-4 WISE Parasol Z b 1792-B2-200-1 WISE Parasol Z b 1792-B2-200-2 WISE Parasol Z b 1792-B2-200-4 WISE Parasol Z b 592-A2-*-1 WISE Parasol Z b 592-B2-*-1 05.04.2019 RASTER GRL Extract air Added 22.03.2019 WISE DA flow damper Geometry updated Eagle CRa supply&extract air 26.02.2019 SDWa Supply air Technical data updated, some variants removed 07.02.2019 EAGLE CRa Supply&Extract air replaces EAGLE Cb EAGLE CCa Supply&Extract air Added EXP Fa Extract air Added EAGLE Ff 400 Extract air Moved to product family PELICAN CE HFa-F Extract air Added PELICAN CE HFa+ALSd- F Extract air Added PELICAN CE HFa HF + ALSd (1-step)* Extract air Removed PELICAN CEa-HF- F Extract air Removed 24.01.2019 Added to database DOMO E/R a-125 extract air DOMO S a-125 supply air ADAPT Box supply flow damper for supply FIRE Block supply fire damper for supply 09.01.2019 WISE Sphere Cc-4v Supply air replaces ADAPT Sc-4V WISE Sphere Fc-4v Supply air replaces ADAPT Fc-4v WISE Colibri Supply air replaces WISE CCa AHUs MarketArea updated W3 Smart L R3 Smart L R3 Smart R R5 Comfort L R5 Smart L R5 Smart R R5-H Comfort L R5-H Comfort R R7-H Comfort L R7-H Comfort R R9-H Comfort L R9-H Comfort R W3 Smart Econo L W3 Smart Econo R W3 Smart R W4 Smart Econo L W4 Smart Econo R W4 Smart L W4 Smart R W9 Smart Econo L W9 Smart Econo R W9 Smart L W9 Smart R 04.05.2018 Supply air Duct size corrected LOCKZONE Bb 100-RO+LOCKZONE Ta 100 Swegon Home Solution products Added to database AHUs 1000 EC L 1000 EC R 270 Mio L 270 Mio R R15 Comfort L R15-H Comfort L R15-H Comfort R R2 Comfort L R2 Comfort R R3 Smart L R3 Smart R R5 Comfort L R5 Smart L R5 Smart R R5-H Comfort L R5-H Comfort R R7 Comfort L R7-H Comfort L R7-H Comfort R R9 Comfort L R9-H Comfort L R9-H Comfort R W3 Smart Econo L W3 Smart Econo R W3 Smart L W3 Smart R W4 Smart Econo L W4 Smart Econo R W4 Smart L W4 Smart R W5 Smart L W5 Smart R W9 Smart Econo L W9 Smart Econo R W9 Smart L W9 Smart R Extract air Swegon CASA Blues steel Swegon CASA Blues white Swegon CASA Jazz Smart Stainless Steel (Left) Swegon CASA Jazz Smart Stainless Steel (Right) Swegon CASA Jazz Smart White (Left) Swegon CASA Jazz Smart White (Right) Swegon CASA Rock Swegon CASA Salsa silver Swegon CASA Salsa white Swegon CASA Swing Swegon CASA Tango Outdoor&Exhaust WGI 12 WGO 12 Supply air SDK 1v SDK 3v Silencer CAV L=1200 CAV L=600 CAV L=900 28.02.2018 Colibri Extract air device 3D geometry updated Pelican Swift REACT flow damper BSA Supply air device Colibri DIR Eagle LOCKZONE B PELICAN Swift WISE 11.10.2017 EXFa Extract air device Dimensions updated, duct size corrected 21.09.2017 ORTO Double Extract air device Duct size corrected, Technical data updated ORTO Single 3D geometry updated 30.06.2017 SRYb Supply air device Updated, added all duct connections WISE PARASOL a 1192-B-** Cooling beam Added WISE PARASOL a 1192-B-** WISE PARASOL a 592-A-** WISE PARASOL a 592-B-** WISE PARASOL a 1192-A-** WISE PARASOL a 592-A-** WISE PARASOL a 592-B-** WISE PARASOL a 1192-A-** 13.06.2017 LOCKZONE Ba+TRAPa- RO Supply air device Added support for MagiCAD 10.05.2017 PARASOL Z a chilled beam Added ADAPT PARASOL b replaces ADAPT PARASOLa ADRIATIC VF c replaces ADRIATIC VFb PARASOL c replaces PARASOLb PARASOL EX c replaces PARASOLEXc PACIFIC b replaces PACIFICa 22.03.2017 WISE Supply air device Added to database WISE Da Air flow damper Eagle Wb+ALV-K Supply air device Geometry updated 31.01.2017 EXCa Extract air device Technical data updated EXP Extract air device Added to database EXF 27.01.2017 SDW Supply air device Added to database Removed from database CBAa CBIa CGVa EAGLE Fe RGVb DMCa 01.12.2016 Added to database CIRCO Extract air device ORTO SOTTO COLIBRI F Supply&Extract air device EAGLE F ADAPT Cd Supply air device Geometry changed 18.08.2016 Extract air device Added support for MagiCAD for Revit CTKb CTMb 27.06.2016 Removed from database supply air device, heating/cooling device Adapt Parasol Adriatic VF Pacific Parasol Parasol EX Paragon Paragon Wall Primo FRB 06.06.2016 CADENZAa silencer Technical data updated CALMOa CLA-A LENTOa 27.05.2016 supply&extract air Product codes are changed as follows: ALGc+TRGd replaces ALGc+TRGc GRLc+TRGd replaces GRLc+TRGc GTHc+TRGd replaces GTHc+TRGc COLIBRI Wb+ALVe replaces COLIBRI Wb+ALVd EAGLE Wb+ALVe replaces EAGLE Wb+ALVd LOCKZONE Wa+ALVe replaces LOCKZONE Wa+ALVd PELICAN Wa+ALVe replaces PELICAN Wa+ALVd CRTc 630 flow damper Added to database REACTa 630 REACTa 630-IR REACTa MB-630 REACTa MB-630-IR REACTa GUAC-630 REACTa GUAC-630-IR PELICAN CSa 125-600 supply air device Added to database PELICAN CSa 160-600 PELICAN CSa 125-600+ALSd PELICAN CSa 160-600+ALSd 08.12.2015 VIREO Ca extract air Updated LTAb Sound data updated 18.11.2015 REACT-IR flow damper Added to database REACT-MB REACT-MB-IR REACT-GUAC REACT-GUAC-IR CONTROL RA-IR flow damper Added sizes 100,125 CONTROL RA-N SLAVE-IR flow damper Description updated SLAVE Ra-IR CONTROL RA-IR CONTROL Za-IR LARGO silencer Duct size corrected LENTO 29.09.2015 Primo cooling beam 3D Geometry updated, Connection type upgraded 24.09.2015 LOCKZONE Ca 250-500-F+ALSd 200-250 Sound data corrected 29.06.2015 VIREO Ca supply air device Renewed: new variants added extract air device REACT flow damper 3D Geometry updated CDHb Suuply air device CLHb 28.05.2015 CALMOa-1011-1000-1000-650 silencer Sound data corrected 16.03.2015 Parasol cooling beam, Duct position corrected supply air device CADENZA silencer 3D geometry updated CALMO 06.02.2015 EXC extract air device Connection size corrected 20.01.2015 COLIBRI CCb supply air device Products renewed, new sizes added COLIBRI CR EAGLE Cb HAWK Ca LOCKZONE Ca PELICAN CE extract air device Products renewed, new sizes added MORENDO silencer New products added, product code changed Technical data updated 02.10.2014 Added to database VIREO Ca + ALSd-F extract air device VIREO Ca + ALTa-F VIREO Ca + ALSd-RO supply air device VIREO Ca + ALTa-RO FALCON HFa-1-V FALCON HFa-1-4V 05.08.2014 DOMOc replaces DOMOb supply air device 02.06.2014 MORENDOa silencer Duct size corrected 21.05.2014 CADENZAa silencer Updated CALMOa FACILEa LARGOa LENTOa MORENDOa Added new 3D geometry for MagiCAD for Revit 2013.11 ADAPT Sc- 4V ADAPT Ed- F ALGc+TRGc-B ALGc+TRGc-K ALGc+TRGc-L CBEa+ALSd- 1V CDDb+ALSd- 4V CDKa+ALSd- 4V CDRb+ALSd- 4V CGVa CKDa-1+ALSd CKPa+ALSd- 4V ADAPT Cd- RO COLIBRI CCb-L+ALSd-L COLIBRI CRb-L+ALSd-L COLIBRI Wb+ALVd-B COLIBRI Wb+ALVd-K COLIBRI CCb+ALSd COLIBRI CRb+ALSd EAGLE Cb+ALSd EAGLE Cb-L+ALSd-L EAGLE Sb+ALSd- RO EAGLE Sb+ALSd- V EAGLE Wb+ALVd-B 1V EAGLE Wb+ALVd-K 1V EIVa+ALSd- 1V FALCON Ca-1+ALSd- 4V FALCON Ca-1+ALSd- V GRCa+ALSd- F GRLc+TRGc-B GRLc+TRGc-K GRLc+TRGc-L GTHc+TRGc-B 1V GTHc+TRGc-K 1V GTHc+TRGc-L 1V HAWK Ca+ALSd- F HAWK Ca+ALSd- 4V HAWK Ca-L+ALSd-L- 4V LOCKZONE Ca-L+ALSd-L- RO LOCKZONE Ca+ALSd LOCKZONE Wa+ALVd-B 1V LOCKZONE Wa+ALVd-K 1V LPAa+ALSd PELICAN CEa+ALSd PELICAN CEa-L+ALSd-L PELICAN CEa-HF+ALSd- F PELICAN Wa+ALVd-B 1V PELICAN Wa+ALVd-K 1V RGVb ROCa+ALSd SWIFT Ca+ALSd 10.04.2014 Paragon cooling beam/ Pipes positions corrected. heating/cooling device 27.03.2014 Eagle Fe replaces Eagle Fd supply&extract air Product code changes DKCe supply air removed 27.02.2014 supply&extract air Colibri product codes are changed as follows: COLIBRI CCb replaces COLIBRI CCa COLIBRI CRb replaces COLIBRI CRa COLIBRI Wb replaces COLIBRI Wa supply air device removed ACDa DBRe DRCe EAGLE Db ICPa IHCa IVCa 22.08.2013 supply&extract air Eagle product codes are changed as follows: EAGLE Cb replaces EAGLE Ca EAGLE Db replaces EAGLE Da EAGLE Fd replaces EAGLE Fc EAGLE Sb replaces EAGLE Sa EAGLE Wb replaces EAGLE Wa ALAa, ALJa, ALCa and ALRa supply air device Removed 05.07.2013 ADAPT product codes are changed as follows: ADAPT Cd replaces ADAPT Cc Supply aire device ADAPT Fc replaces ADAPT Fa ADAPT Sc replaces ADAPT Sa ADAPT Ed replaces ADAPT Ec extract air device ADAPT Dd replaces ADAPT Dc flow damper 26.06.2013 REACT 300x300 flow damper Added to database 23.05.2013 ADAPT Dc flow damper Dimensions updated CONTROL Ra CONTROL Za CRMc CRPc CRTc REACTa SLAVE Ra SLAVE Za LENTO silencer Geometry updated 06.05.2013 FALCON Ca 1 500+ALSd 400-500 supply air device Dimensions updated 16.04.2013 ADAPT Parasol supply air device Added to database cooling beam heating/cooling device Parasol supply air device More variants added to database cooling beam heating/cooling device 07.02.2013 CADENZA a 1116 L=650 silencer Attanuation updated CALMOa 911 L=650 CLA-B L=500 silencer Added to database CLA-B L=1000 14.12.2012 CKDa supply air device Geometry updated CKDa+ALSd 16.11.2012 All cooling beams Added support for MagiCAD for AutoCAD 2012.11 23.08.2012 IBIS Wa supply air device Geometry corrected 21.06.2012 Adriatic supply air device Updated for MagiCAD for AutoCAD pipe device Parasol supply air device pipe device Pacific supply air device pipe device Paragon supply air device pipe device Paragon wall supply air device pipe device Parasol Ex supply air device pipe device Primo supply air device Added to database for MagiCAD for AutoCAD pipe device FRB pipe device Adriatic cooling beam Added to database for MagiCAD for Revit Parasol Pacific Paragon Paragon wall Parasol Ex Primo FRB 14.06.2012 DIRc-1v+DIRT4a-0 supply air device Dimensions corrected 15.05.2012 REACTa flow damper Added to database DIRc+DIRT4a-1 1V supply air device ADAPT Ec replaces ADAPT Ea supply air device ADAPT Cc replaces ADAPT Ca extract air device ALAa-2 replaces ALAa-1 supply air device ALJa-2 replaces ALJa-1 supply air device VARd flow damper Removed from database 21.03.2012 PELICAN CSa 200-600+ALSd 125-600 Dimensions corrected LARGO bend silencer Added support for MagiCAD for Revit 2012.4 LENTO 14.02.2012 Eagle ca 200-600 supply air device Dimensions corrected Eagle Ca 250-600 07.02.2012 COLIBRI CCA 160-600-RO supply air device Diffuser dimensions corrected SLAVE Ra flow dampers Dimensions corrected SLAVE Za 19.12.2011 flow dampers Added to database CONTROL Za-N CONTROL Za-IR CONTROL Za SLAVE Za-N SLAVE Za-IR SLAVE Za SIRI ADAPT Dc replaces ADAPT Da+Adapt Db Updated CONTROL Ra replaces CONTROL Da-N CONTROL Ra replaces CONTROL Da-IR CONTROL Ra replaces CONTROL Da SLAVE Ra replaces SLAVE Ca-N SLAVE Ra replaces SLAVE Ca-IR SLAVE Ra replaces SLAVE Ca VARd -IR Geometry updated VARd Dimensions updated CRP Product code changed IRIS Removed CVHb 14.10.2011 PACIFIC air device Added to database heating/cooling device ADRIATIC air device More variants added heating/cooling device PARASOL air device heating/cooling device PARASOL EX air device heating/cooling device BALTIC Removed BISCAY 20.09.2011 CALMOa-1831 silencers Dimensions corrected CALMOa-1832 CALMOa-1833 CALMOa-1841 CALMOa-1842 CALMOa-1843 09.09.2011 Adapt-125 flow damper Added to database Adapt (all sizes) Geometry and dimensions updated 30.05.2011 GRC-F Extract air grille Added to database GRC-F+ALSd SWANa Slot air diffuser ALCa supply air device Dimensions updated CVHb supply air device New sizes added Lockzone Ba ROE extract air device New product code Product code has been changed in all products with ALSc box. Now it is ALSd ARPa Removed from database LOCKZONE Fa 1-125-30-RO LOCKZONE Fa 1-160-30-RO LOCKZONE Fa 1-200-30-RO LOCKZONE Fa 1-315-30-RO COLIBRI CCa 200-600-F COLIBRI CRa 200-600-F GRLc (circular) 03.03.2011 LTAb-1 extract air grille Added to database CONTROL Da flow damper Techical data updated, more sizes added VARd 24.02.2011 LTAb-1 supply air grille Added to database 17.02.2011 EAGLE Fc-F extract air device Added to database LPAa-F+ALSd FALCON Ca supply air device More sizes added FALCON Ca+ALSd EAGLE Fc replaces Eagle Fb 14.12.2010 EAGLE Fb extract air device Added to database HAWK Ca 250-500-F+ALSc 200-250 HAWK Ca 250-500-F LOCKZONE Ca 250-500-F+ALSc 200-250 LOCKZONE Ca 250-500-F PELICAN CEa-HF-F PELICAN CEa-HF+ALSc-F SWIFT Ca-F SWIFT Ca-F+ALSc EAGLE Fb Falcon Ca supply air device Added to database Falcon Ca+ALSc Hawk Ca 250-500-4V+ALSc 200-250 HAWK Ca 250-500-4V LOCKZONE Ca 250-500-RO LOCKZONE Ca 250-500-RO+ALSc 200-250 SWIFT Ca-RO SWIFT Ca-RO+ALSc GRLc extract air grille More sizes added CRTc flow damper Product code changed ADAPT Da flow damper Length changed CONTROL Da VARd 11.06.2010 CTKB Transfer air device Geometry corrected CTMB 27.05.2010 COLIBRI CRa Supply device Height of products changed COLIBRI CCa Supply device EAGLE Ca Supply device LOCKZONE Ca Supply device PELICAN CSa PELICAN CEa 05.05.2010 CDHb supply device Technical data corrected CLHb 14.04.2010 IHCa supply device Technical data updated COLIBRI CCa supply device Product code corrected CONDORa supply device Duct size corrected EIVa supply device Technical data updated IVC supply device Sound attenuation updated LOCKZONE Ba supply device Added to database LOCKZONE Ba+ALS 18.02.2010 DIRc-600-1V 350-50 supply device Dimensions corrected DIRc-900-1V 500-70 03.02.2010 ADRIATIC VF supply device Added to database ADRIATIC VF-ASSYM supply device ADRIATIC VF heating/cooling device 17.12.2009 BISCAY heating/cooling device Added to database PARASOL SRYb supply/extract device Geometry updated 04.12.2009 Pelican+ALSc supply air device Geometry corrected IHCa+REGb displacement diffuser 13.11.2009 IBISa 400-4500-8-2S duct diffuser Geometry corrected 29.10.2009 CBAa Transfer unit Added to database CBIa Transfer unit Pelican Wa GRLc-F Extract air grille DOMOb-Wa wall diffuser Colibri Wa supply air device Geometry updated Eagle Wa supply air device Lockzone Wa supply air device IBISa 160 supply air device Technical data updated IBISa 200 DOMOb supply air device Replaced DOMOa DRGb supply air device Replaced DRGa All products All types Internet links updated 10.09.2009 DIRc Supply device Added to database IBISa Duct diffuser More sizes added GRLc Extract air grille SRYb Supply device Geometry corrected UDY Removed from database ARP 03.07.2009 PARAGON Supply device/ New product added Other pipe device COLIBRI CRa Supply device Height of some products changed EAGLE Ca Supply device Height of some products changed HAWK Ca Supply device Height of some products changed LOCKZONE Ca Supply device Height of some products changed PELICAN CSa Supply device Height of some products changed/Geometry updated 15.06.2009 CRPc-9 Flow dampers Product added 09.06.09 IGNIS-C Fire dampers Geometry corrected IGNIS-R E120-1000-900 Diagram limits corrected IGNIS-R E120-1200-600 SORDO Silencers Family product code corrected 16.04.09 COLIBRI CCa 200-500-RO+ALSc 160-200 Supply device Geometry updated COLIBRI CCa 200-500-4V+ALSc 160-200 Supply device 23.03.09 CADENZA a-1627-1600-700-1250 Silencers Added into database SORDO-C Missing shape data added to few sizes 11.03.09 IBIS+IBIS-Ca Supply device Error in geometry corrected CADENZA Silencers Products updated SORDO-C 19.02.09 Eagle Ca Supply device Connection size corrected ADRIATIC Connection location corrected 18.12.08 IGNIS Flow damper Geometry updated 28.11.08 ADAPT EA Extract device Diagram limits corrected CTKB * Web link added CTMB * ADAPT Da Flow damper Diagram limits corrected IRIS Technical data corrected ADAPT Ca Supply device Diagram limits corrected DOMOa Product families changed, web link added, geometry updated DPGa EAGLE Da Geometry updated EAGLE Sa EAGLE Fa Sound data corrected CLA-B Silencer Technical data updated 07.10.08 ADAPT EA Extract device New product added Colibri CRa Connection size corrected EXCa Product code updated HAWK Ca Technical data updated ADAPT CA Supply device New product added ADAPT FA New product added ADAPT SA New product added DOMO New product added PELICAN CSA Geometry fixed IBISA Geometry fixed Eagle Sa Product updated SRY Product updated CVHb Technical data updated Parasol Description text updated ACK Product removed ACL Product removed ASD Product removed AKY Product removed ADAPT DA Flow damper New product added SLAVE CA New product added CONTROL Da New product added ARE Product removed KZP Product removed KRF Product removed KZM Product removed KSA Product removed 03.09.08 CTKB Transfer unit New product added CTKB Transfer unit New product added' IBISa-2S Duct diffuser Geometry fixed, regulator removed PARASOL Comfort module Connection geometry fixed 13.06.08 VARD Flow damper New product added KZMD Flow damper Technical data updated ACDA Supply device Technical data updated PELICAN CEa Supply/extract device Technical data updated EAGLE CA Supply/extract device Technical data updated HAWK CA Supply/extract device Technical data updated LOCKZONE CA Supply/extract device Technical data updated COLIBRI CCA Supply/extract device Technical data updated COLIBIR CRA Supply/extract device Technical data updated 29.04.08 ADRIATIC cooling beam Technical data updated BALTIC cooling beam Technical data updated Other possible connection added BISCAY cooling beam Technical data updated Other possible connection added 26.03.08 IRIS flow damper Sound data corrected 18.03.08 IGNIS-C-E60 fire damper Added to database IGNIS-C-EI120 IGNIS-C-EI60 IGNIS-R E120 CLA-A silencer Added to database CLA-B SORDO-A SORDO-B SORDO-C SORDO-P Eagle Fa-400 disc diffuser Connection size corrected IBIS Wa wall diffuser Connection from other side added CLBa silencer Removed from database SERENOa 04.02.08 GRLc+TRGc Rectangular grille Geometry corrected Condor supply air ceiling Product code corrected 19.12.07 CDHb ceiling diffuser Added to database CLHb ceiling diffuser DPGa+ALSc low velocity terminal IBIS Wa disc duct diffuser IBISa+IBIS Ca disc duct diffuser PELICAN CSa ceiling diffuser PELICAN CEa-F ceiling diffuser PELICAN CSa+ALSc ceiling diffuser+box PELICAN CEa+ALSc-F ceiling diffuser+box PELICAN CSa+ALSc-L ceiling diffuser+box PELICAN CSa+ALSc-L-F ceiling diffuser+box ROWb+ROWT2a wall terminal IRIS flow damper CGVa transfer diffuser Moved to extract type RGVb Many products Product codes changed GVL Removed from database GVL+TRG LOCKZONE Fa-1 PMLc+ALSc PMLc PMTd+ALSc DDKa KRKa KRKa+ALSc LPKa1+ALSc LPKa1 LPKa2+ALSc LPKa2 LPVa+ALVc PMUb PMUb+ALSc RDYa 1+ALSc RDYa 1 RDYa 2+ALSc RDYa 2 ROWb+ROWT1a TDYc+ALSc TDYc TDYc K+ALSc TDYc K TRYa 2+ALSc TRYa 2 TRYa 2K+ALSc TRYa 2K TRYa 3+ALSc TRYa 3 TRYa 3K+ALSc TRYa 3K VDYc+ALVb VOSa+ALVb VRYc+ALVb 10.10.07 LARGO silencer Geometry corrected LENTO silencer 07.08.07 All silencers Sound data added Calmoa-531-*-*-1850 silencer Added to database 29.06.07 COLIBRI Wa+ALVd-K wall diffuser Geometry corrected EAGLE Wa+ALVd-K LOCKZONE Wa+ALVd-K 14.06.07 COLIBRI Wa+ALVd-B wall diffuser Added to database COLIBRI Wa+ALVd-K EAGLE Wa+ALVd-B EAGLE Wa+ALVd-K LOCKZONE Wa+ALVd-B LOCKZONE Wa+ALVd-K ROWb+ROWT1a displacement unit Added to database ROWb+ALVd-B wall difuser replaces ROWa+ALVc-B ROWb+ALVd-K replaces ROWa+ALVc-K CGVa transfer unit Qmodel updated RGVb 23.05.07 PMTd+ALSc diffuser+box Geometry updated CRTc1 flow damper Product code changed to CRTc 27.04.07 ACKc+ALEa1 supply diffuser+box Adjustment of collar length added ALCa+ALSc ASDa+ALEa1 CBEa+ALSc CDDb+ALSc CDKa+ALSc CDRb+ALSc CKDa+ALSc CKPa+ALSc COLIBRI CRa+ALSc COLIBRI CCa+ALSc CVHb 1+ALSc EAGLE Ca+ALSc EAGLE Da+ALSc EAGLE Sa+ALSc EIVa+ALSc HAWK Ca+ALSc LOCKZONE Ca+ALSc LPAa+ALSc ROCa+ALSc AFKb+ALEc exhaust air devices+box ROCa+ALSc LOCKZONE Ca+ALSc supply diffuser+box Geometry updated LOCKZONE Ca+ALScL HAWK Ca+ALSc HAWK Ca+ALScL LOCKZONE Ca supply, exhaust air diffuser HAWK Ca EAGLE Ca supply diffuser Replaced EAGLEa EAGLE ca+ALSc supply diffuser+box Replaced EAGLEa+ALSc EAGLE ca+ALScL Replaced EAGLEa+ALScL EAGLE ca+ALSc supply diffuser+box Dimensions of box corrected EAGLE ca+ALScL HAWK Ca+ALSc HAWK Ca+ALScL LOCKZONE Ca+ALSc LOCKZONE Ca+ALSc COLIBRI CRa+ALSc COLIBRI CCa+ALSc 26.03.07 Many devices supply air devices Geometry updated to Qmodel exhaust air devices cooling beams flow damepers silencers CRPc-9 s1 flow damper Added to database Eagle Da+ALSc supply diffuser+box Added to database Eagle Sa+ALSc HAWK Ca+ALSc HAWK Ca+ALSc L CKDa-1+Alsc S1 Eagle Da supply air device Added to database Eagle Fa Eagle Sa HAWK Ca Lockzone Fa BSAd CKDa-1 PARASOL 1192-HF B Comfort Module Other possible connection added PARASOL 1192-LF B PARASOL 1192-MF B PARASOL 592-MF B PARASOL EX 1290-HF PARASOL EX 1290-LF PARASOL EX 1290-MF PARASOL EX 690-MF COLIBRI CCa supply air device Product code changed COLIBRI CRa COLIBRI CCa+ALSc supply diffuser+box COLIBRI CRa+ALSc ATCb S4 Removed from database BRTa FLAa EAGLEa+ALSc S2 LPCa CKDa SC CKDa SD CKDa+ALSc SC CKDa+ALS SD BSAc 24.01.07 CLA c-125-1000 silencer Sound attenuation corrected 24.10.06 PARASOL 1192-MF-* supply air device Added to database COLIBRI CCa-*-130 SE * exhaust air device Added to database COLIBRI CCa-*-90 SE * COLIBRI CRa-*-100 SE * COLIBRI CRa-*-169 SE * COLIBRI CCa+ALSc-*-* supply diffuser+box Added to database COLIBRI CCa-*-130 * * supply air diffuser Added to database COLIBRI CCa-*-47 * * COLIBRI CCa-*-90 * * COLIBRI CRa+ALSc-*-* suply diffuser+box Added to database COLIBRI CRa-*-100 * * supply air diffuser Added to database COLIBRI CRa-*-169 * * COLIBRI CRa-*-49 * * 21.09.06 PARASOL 1200-600-* supply air device Removed from database PARASOL 600-600-* supply air device PARASOL 1192-*-* supply air device Added to database PARASOL 592-*-* supply air device PARASOL 1290-*-* supply air device PARASOL 690-*-* supply air device 18.09.06 CDYb-* SR supply disc diffuser Data updated IHCa+REGb-* S3 displacement diffuser IHCa-* S3 displacement diffuser CDYb-*-V1 SV supply disc diffuser Added to database CDYb-*-V2 SV supply disc diffuser ICPa+REGb-* S4 displacement diffuser Added to database ICPa-* S4 displacement diffuser IVCA+REGB-* S2 displacement diffuser IVCA-* S2 displacement diffuser 30.08.06 LPAa supply diffuser Some sizes added LPAa+ALSc supply diffuser+box EAGLEa+ALSc supply diffuser+box Geometry corrected 29.06.06 EXCa exhaust device data corrected CADENZA silenser Product code is changed CALMOA silencer in small sizes FACILEA silencer 07.06.06 EAGLEa supply/exhaust diffuser Added to database EAGLEa+ALSc supply diffuser+box EAGLEa L+ALSc supply diffuser+box CADENZA silencer Sizes added CALMOA silencer FACILEA silencer CONDORa supply disc diffuser Geometry updated EXCa exhaust device Data updated AFKb+ALEc-2-SE exhaust device KRFc flow damper KSAb flow damper KZMb flow damper KZPb flow damper 14.03.06 LOCKZONE Ca+ALSc supply diffuser+box Added to database Lockzone Ca+ALScL supply diffuser+box LOCKZONE Ca supply/exhaust air diffuser PMTd+ALSc supply diffuser KRFc rectangular terminal KSAb rectangular terminal KZMb rectangular terminal KZPb rectangular terminal BOCa displacement diffuser Geometry updated GRLc exhaust grille Shape corrected CRMc5-400 flow damper DBRe-*-315 displacement diffuser CRMc-1-80 flow damper removed from the database 17.11.05 ALAa-*-* S1 supply air diffuser Products added ALAa-*-* SV supply air diffuser ALJa-*-* S1 supply air diffuser ALJa-*-* SV supply air diffuser ALRa-1-*-* S1 supply grille ALRa-1-*-* SV supply grille IBDa-*-*-* S1 duct device Duct size corrected IBDa-*-*-* S2 duct device PARASOL 1200-600-* supply air device Data corrected PARASOL 600-600-* supply air device 23.06.05 PARASOL 1200-600-* supply air device Products added PARASOL 600-600-* supply air device 07.06.05 All product Manufacturer name changed families EXCa-* exhaust air device Products updated DBRe-* S3 displacement diffuser LPKa-1+ALSc-*-* SR * supply diffuser+box GRLc+TRGc-600-300-400-B exhaust grille+box GRLc+TRGc-600-300-400-K exhaust grille+box GRLc+TRGc-600-300-400-L exhaust grille+box CALMOa-1032-1000-1600-1850 rectangular silencer ALCa+ALSc-*-*-B S4 supply diffuser+box Products added ALCa+ALSc-*-*-B SV supply diffuser+box ALCa-* S4 supply diffuser ALCa-* SV supply diffuser CONDORa-*-*-* SR supply diffuser+box IBDa-*-*-* S1 duct device IHCA-* S3 displacement diffuser IHCa+REGb-* S3 displacement diffuser 10.01.05 Database name changed from StifabFarex_05a.qpd to Swegon_05a.qpd (StifabFarex_05a.qpd) 05.01.05 EXCa exhaust device Product added CRMc flow damper BSAC chilled beam LENTOa rectangular silencer SERENOA SORDOa circular silencer GRLC+TRGC exhaust grille+box Sound data updated GRLC+TRGC exhaust grille+box Shape data updated ADRIATIC chilled beam AKYb+ALEb supply diffuser+box Product code updated, SH -variant added PMLc supply diffuser PMTd+ALSc supply diffuser+box PMUb supply diffuser TDYc+ALSc supply diffuser+box TDYc supply diffuser TDYc-K+ALSc supply diffuser+box TRYa-3+ALSc supply diffuser+box TRYa supply diffuser BALTICA chilled beam Product code updated BOCa displacement diffuser CVHb-1+ALSc supply diffuser+box CVHb supply diffuser DBCa+REGb displacement diffuser DBRe displacement diffuser DDKa duct device DHCe displacement diffuser DVCe+REGb displacement diffuser DVCe displacement diffuser IBDa duct device KDYa supply diffuser KRKa+ALSc supply diffuser+box KRKa supply diffuser LPVa+ALVc supply diffuser PMLc+ALSc supply diffuser+box RDYa-2 supply diffuser ROWa+ALVc supply diffuser CADENZA rectangular silencer CALMOA rectangular silencer CLBA rectangular silencer FACILEA rectangular silencer LARGOA rectangular silencer LENTOA rectangular silencer MORENDO rectangular silencer SERENOA circular silencer EIVa supply grille Technical data updated LENTOa rectangular silencer Product code updated, sizes added SERENOA circular silencer Product code updated, sizes added SORDOa circular silencer Product code updated, sizes added KVBb exhaust air device Removed ATCb supply diffuser+box 25.10.04 ADRIATIC chilled beam Shape changed from 164 to 164 TRYa-2-*-* SR * supply diffuser Product family added 19.10.04 SRYB supply diffuser Product removed 11.10.04 Supply devices IDs, product codes and technical data updated Exhaust devices Flow dampers 16.09.04 CADENZA rectangular silencer Productfamilies and some data updated CALMO rectangular silencer CLA rectangular silencer CLB rectangular silencer FACILE rectangular silencer LARGO rectangular silencer LENTO rectangular silencer MORENDO rectangular silencer SERENO circular silencer SORDO circular silencer 26.05.04 BISCAY chilled beam Product added 23.04.04 many products IDs updated 29.03.04 ADRIATIC chilled beam Products added / updated CADENZA rectangular silencer Products added CALMO rectangular silencer Products added CLA rectangular silencer Id and ProductCode updated CLB rectangular silencer Products updated FACILE rectangular silencer Products added LARGO rectangular silencer Products added LENTO rectangular silencer Products added MORENDO rectangular silencer Products added SERENO circular silencer Products added SORDO circular silencer Products added CLB circular silencer Products removed CPA circular silencer CSP circular silencer LCA circular silencer LCB circular silencer LCC circular silencer PKR rectangular silencer PLG rectangular silencer PUR rectangular silencer 25.02.04 BALTIC chilled beam More sizes added many products IDs updated 18.12.2003 ADRIATIC chilled beam 3 sizes added to database many products All ALSb and ALSa boxes changed to ALSc 04.12.2003 BOC displacement diffuser Added to database BALTIC chilled beam 22.09.2003 DIR displacement diffuser Installation definition updated 10.09.2003 CBEa 160 supply diffuser Shape corrected CBEa 80 supply diffuser Removed from database 13.08.2003 CDYb-315 supply diffuser Shape corrected 02.04.2003 CLAc-200-500 rectangular silencer Dimensions updated 24.03.2003 CLAc-1000, rectangular silencer Added to database CLAc-500, rectangular silencer CLBa-1200, rectangular silencer CLBa-600 rectangular silencer 24.03.2003 CLAb circular silencer Removed from database 24.02.2003 CBEa+ALS 80-80 supply diffuser+box Removed from database 24.02.2003 KDY supply diffuser updated 24.02.2003 GRL+TGR exhaust grille+box updated 24.02.2003 LPVa+ALVc supply diffuser Added to database 24.02.2003 AREb flow damper Added to database 24.02.2003 AFKb+ALEb exhaust diffuser+box Added to database 24.02.2003 KVBb exhaust diffuser Added to database 21.08.2002 DBC, DBR, DCC Installation definitions updated DCP, DHC, DIR DKC, DRC, DRI DVC 25.03.2002 EIV Size 80 removed EIV without ALS added 14.02.2002 CVH Changed shape KDY Changed data VDY Changed productcode DIR Changed shape VRY Changed productcode BSA Changed productcode 30.01.2002 AKYa+ALEa Changed data BRTa Changed shape BSAc Changed productcode CDEa Changed data CDDb Changed data CDKa Changed data DCCb Added to database DIRc Changed shape EIVa Added to database PMLb Changed data SRYb Added to database UDYa Changed productcode PLGB Changed data 13.12.2001 CLHa Deleted TCBa Deleted CAAa Deleted TRYa 1 Deleted LPKa Added to database KDYa Added to database 20.19.2001 Silencer More silenser was added. RGVb Connection size was change 11.06.2001 DBRe Added to database 03.04.2001 BRTa Eccentric connections 09.02.2001 All products for all market areas 06.02.2001 PKRb,PLGa,PURa Rectangular silencers added 15.01.2001 DRIf Installation definition added (Ceiling) 17.11.2000 CGVa, RGVb Transfer grilles added CRMc, CRPc, Flow dampers added KRFa, KZMa, KZPa 03.07.2000 BRTa, BSAc Cooling beams added 25.05.2000 CAA, CLA, CPA, Silencers added CSP, CSS, LCA, LCB, LCC 16.02.2000 The whole database is regenerated eof---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------