================================================================================================================================================ ABC Vent Product data ================================================================================================================================================ The newest file: ABCVent_25a.qpd For MagiCAD version: 2020-> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - fire dampers - flow dampers - External louvres - Roof hoods - Other duct components - Extract air device This file contains the update history of the named datafile since 2003.05 (ABC_04a.qpd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date Product Product type Changes in brief 09.01.2025 Fire damper 3D Geometry updated for MagiCAD installation point function ABC-CR120 ABC-CR2 ABC-CRE60 ONE T 24V ABC-CRS60 ONE T 24V ABC-CU2 ABC-CU2 ATEX ABC-CU-LT ABC-VRE 04.09.2024 Fire damper 3D Geometry updated for coming MagiCAD version ABC-CR120 ABC-CR2 ABC-CRE60 ONE T 24V ABC-CRS60 ONE T 24V ABC-CU2 ABC-CU2 ATEX ABC-CU-LT ABC-VRE 08.03.2024 Outdoor exhaust air device Geometry fixes ABC-TH1 ABC-TH2 ABC-TH4 ABC-TH6 ABC-VDR ABC-VHS ABC-VHS-Combi Outdoor supply air device Geometry fixes ABC-TH1 ABC-TH2 ABC-TH4 ABC-TH6 ABC-VDR ABC-VHS ABC-VHS-Combi 04.03.2024 Other duct component Descriptions in English and Swedish updated ABC-TG-1-1 ABC-TG-1-2 ABC-TGC-1 ABC-TGCLD-1-1000 ABC-TGCLD-1-1150 ABC-TGCLD-1-1400 ABC-TGCLD-1-1600 ABC-TGCLD-1-800 ABC-TGLD-1-1-1000 ABC-TGLD-1-1-1150 ABC-TGLD-1-1-1400 ABC-TGLD-1-1-1600 ABC-TGLD-1-1-800 ABC-TGLD-1-2-1000 ABC-TGLD-1-2-1150 ABC-TGLD-1-2-1400 ABC-TGLD-1-2-1600 ABC-TGLD-1-2-800 03.07.2023 Outdoor exhaust air device Added to database ABC-TREND AH ABC-TREND CH Outdoor supply air device ABC-TREND CH ABC-TREND UH Outdoor exhaust air device Restricted to countries changed ABC-CDZ Left ABC-CDZ Right Outdoor supply air device ABC-CDZ Left ABC-CDZ Right 17.01.2023 Outdoor exhaust air device Added to database ABC-CDZ Outdoor supply air device ABC-CDZ Fire damper Technical data updated ABC-CRS60 ONE T 24V 22.06.2022 Fire damper Added to database ABC-CRS60 ONE T 24V 03.02.2022 Outdoor exhaust air device Added to database ABC-CD ABC-CDS ABC-VKV ABC-YGC ABC-YGLD ABC-YGV Outdoor supply air device Added to database ABC-CD ABC-CDS ABC-YGC ABC-YGV Other duct component Added to database ABC-TGTH4 ABC-TGTH6 Outdoor exhaust air device Updated 3D & data ABC-AHZ ABC-AHZB ABC-AHZD ABC-AHZDB ABC-ALZ ABC-ALZB ABC-ALZD ABC-ALZDB ABC-ASZ ABC-ASZB ABC-ASZD ABC-ASZDB ABC-CDF ABC-CDI ABC-CDR ABC-CDV ABC-CHZ ABC-CHZB ABC-CLZ ABC-CLZB ABC-CSZ ABC-CSZB ABC-FJ ABC-GH ABC-GHA1 ABC-GHA2 ABC-GHA4 ABC-GHA6 ABC-JET ABC-KH ABC-TH1 ABC-TH2 ABC-TH4 ABC-TH6 ABC-TRNF ABC-TRS ABC-VD ABC-VDR ABC-VF ABC-VHR ABC-VHS ABC-VHS Pulpet ABC-VHS-Combi ABC-VK ABC-VKA-CIR ABC-VKA-REC ABC-YG ABC-YG/GL ABC-YGIG Outdoor supply air device Updated 3D & data ABC-CDF ABC-CDI ABC-CDR ABC-CDV ABC-CHZ ABC-CHZB ABC-CLZ ABC-CLZB ABC-CSZ ABC-CSZB ABC-GH ABC-GHA1 ABC-GHA2 ABC-GHA4 ABC-GHA6 ABC-GHIG ABC-GHVG ABC-TH1 ABC-TH2 ABC-TH4 ABC-TH6 ABC-TRNF ABC-TRS ABC-UHZ ABC-UHZD ABC-ULZ ABC-ULZD ABC-USZ ABC-USZD ABC-VDR ABC-VHR ABC-VHS ABC-VHS UH ABC-VHS-Combi ABC-VK ABC-VKA-CIR ABC-VKA-REC ABC-YG ABC-YG/GL ABC-YGIG ABC-YGVZA ABC-YGWPA Other duct component Updated 3D & data ABC-TG-1-1 ABC-TG-1-2 ABC-TGC-1 ABC-TGCLD-1-1000 ABC-TGCLD-1-1150 ABC-TGCLD-1-1400 ABC-TGCLD-1-1600 ABC-TGCLD-1-800 ABC-TGLD-1-1-1000 ABC-TGLD-1-1-1150 ABC-TGLD-1-1-1400 ABC-TGLD-1-1-1600 ABC-TGLD-1-1-800 ABC-TGLD-1-2-1000 ABC-TGLD-1-2-1150 ABC-TGLD-1-2-1400 ABC-TGLD-1-2-1600 ABC-TGLD-1-2-800 ABC-TGTH1 ABC-TGTH2 ABC-TGTH2-wm All products Swedish description added 04.03.2021 Fire damper Added to database ABC-CR120 ABC-CU2 ATEX ABC-VRE ABC-CRE60 ONE T 24V English description updated. ABC-CRX Swedish description updated. ABC-SFT Extract air device Added to database ABC-AVANTAGE 1V 120 ME VD24 ABC-AVANTAGE 1V 60 ME VD24 11.02.2021 Fire damper Renewed ABV-CU2 Fire damper Added to database ABC-CR2 ABC-CRE60 ONE T 24V ABC-CU-LT Fire damper English and Swedish description updated ABC SC 60 ABC-CR60 ABC-CRX ABC-PROTECT 60-1 ABC-PROTECT 60-2 ABC-PROTECT 60-3 ABC-SFT 22.06.2020 Other duct component data updated ABC-IBZ Circular ABC-IBZ Rectangular Outdoor supply air device Added to database ABC-CDV Outdoor exhaust air device Added to database ABC-CDV Outdoor supply air device Technical data updated and new size added ABC-YG/GL Outdoor exhaust air device Technical data updated and new size added ABC-YG/GL ABC-CDZ Restricted to countries changed ABC-CSZ-1 ABC-TGCLD-1-1150 ABC-TGLD-1-1-1150 ABC-TGLD-1-2-1150 ABC-AHZ DUBBEL Outdoor exhaust air device Description changed ABC-AHZ-1 ABC-ALZ ABC-ALZ DUBBEL ABC-ASZ DUBBEL ABC-ASZ-1 ABC-CDF ABC-CDI ABC-CDR ABC-CHZ-1 ABC-CLZ ABC-CSZ-1 ABC-FJ-1 ABC-GH ABC-GHA1 ABC-GHA2 ABC-GHA4 ABC-GHA6 ABC-JET-1 ABC-JSR ABC-KH ABC-TH1 ABC-TH2 ABC-TH4 ABC-TH6 ABC-TRNF ABC-TRS ABC-VD ABC-VDR ABC-VF ABC-VHR ABC-VHS ABC-VHS Pulpet ABC-VHS-Combi ABC-VK ABC-YG ABC-YG/GL ABC-YGIG Outdoor supply air device ABC-CDF ABC-CDI ABC-CHZ ABC-CLZ ABC-CSZ-1 ABC-CDR ABC-GH ABC-GHA1 ABC-GHA2 ABC-GHA4 ABC-GHA6 ABC-GHIG ABC-GHVG ABC-TH1 ABC-TH2 ABC-TH4 ABC-TH6 ABC-TRNF ABC-TRS ABC-UHZ-1 ABC-UHZD ABC-ULZ ABC-ULZD ABC-USZ-1 ABC-USZD ABC-VDR ABC-VHR ABC-VHS ABC-VHS UH ABC-VHS-Combi ABC-VK ABC-YG ABC-YG/GL ABC-YGIG Air flow damper ABC-IRIS ABC-SFK ABC-SFK 4-1 ABC-TS-1 ABC-TS-3 ABC-TS-4 ABC-VAV-MP ABC-VAV-MP-k Fire damper ABC SC 60 ABC-CR60 ABC-CU2 ABC-PROTECT 60-1 ABC-PROTECT 60-2 ABC-PROTECT 60-3 ABC-SFT Other duct component ABC-MEC ABC-TG-1-1 ABC-TG-1-2 ABC-TGC-1 ABC-TGCLD-1-1000 ABC-TGCLD-1-1150 ABC-TGCLD-1-1400 ABC-TGCLD-1-1600 ABC-TGCLD-1-800 ABC-TGLD-1-1-1000 ABC-TGLD-1-1-1150 ABC-TGLD-1-1-1400 ABC-TGLD-1-1-1600 ABC-TGLD-1-1-800 ABC-TGLD-1-2-1000 ABC-TGLD-1-2-1150 ABC-TGLD-1-2-1400 ABC-TGLD-1-2-1600 ABC-TGLD-1-2-800 ABC-TGTH1 ABC-TGTH2 ABC-TGTH2-wm 27.11.2019 Added to database exhaust device ABC-CHZB-1 ABC-AHZB-1 ABC-AHZDB DUBBEL ABC-ASZB-1 ABC-ASZDB DUBBEL ABC-ALZB ABC-ALZDB DUBBEL outdoor/exhaust device ABC-VKA-CIR ABC-VKA-REC ABC-CLZB ABC-CSZB-1 outdoor device ABC-CHZB ABC-YGWPA ABC-YGVZA Other duct component ABC-IBZ Rectangular ABC-IBZ Circular ABC-CRX fire damper ABC-SFT fire damper Rename from SFE YGVZ outdoor device Removed CSHA flow damper TSE fire damper 11.04.2019 Products with old type of geometry models removed from MagiCAD Cloud Connect for Revit 20.07.2018 outdoor/exhaust hood Added support for MagiCAD for Revit 2018 ABC-GHA2 ABC-GHA4 ABC-GHA6 ABC-TH2 ABC-TH4 ABC-TH6 ABC-TG roof inlet Duct size and unit length corrected ABC-TGLD 04.01.2015 Database renewed: exhaust hood/louvre Added ABC-AHZ DUBBEL ABC-AHZ-1 ABC-ALZ ABC-ALZ DUBBEL ABC-ASZ DUBBEL ABC-ASZ-1 ABC-CDF ABC-CDI ABC-CDR ABC-CHZ-1 ABC-CLZ ABC-CSZ-1 ABC-GH ABC-GHA1 ABC-GHA2 ABC-GHA4 ABC-GHA6 ABC-JSOF ABC-JSR ABC-KH ABC-TH1 ABC-TH2 ABC-TH4 ABC-TH6 ABC-TRNF ABC-TRS ABC-VD ABC-VDR ABC-VF ABC-VHR ABC-VHS Pulpet ABC-VK exhaust hood/louvre Updated ABC-FJ-1 ABC-JET-1 ABC-VHS ABC-VHS-Combi ABC-YG ABC-YG/GL ABC-YGIG flow dampers Added ABC-CSHA ABC-IRIS ABC-TS-1 ABC-TS-3 ABC-TS-4 ABC-VAV-MP ABC-VAV-MP-k ABC-SFK 4-1 flow dampers Updated ABC-SFK exhaust hood/louvre Added ABC-CDF ABC-CDI ABC-CDR ABC-CHZ ABC-CLZ ABC-CSZ ABC-GH ABC-GHA1 ABC-GHA2 ABC-GHA4 ABC-GHA6 ABC-GHIG ABC-GHVG ABC-TH1 ABC-TH2 ABC-TH4 ABC-TH6 ABC-TRNF ABC-TRS ABC-UHZ-1 ABC-UHZD ABC-ULZ ABC-ULZD ABC-USZ-1 ABC-USZD ABC-VDR ABC-VHR ABC-VHS UH ABC-VK exhaust hood/louvre Updated ABC-VHS ABC-VHS-Combi ABC-YG ABC-YG/GL ABC-YGIG ABC-YGVZ fire dampers Added ABC SC 60 ABC-TSE fire dampers Updated ABC-CR60 ABC-CU2 ABC-PROTECT 60-1 ABC-PROTECT 60-2 ABC-PROTECT 60-3 ABC-SFE other components Added ABC-KFS ABC-KFSP ABC-MEC ABC-MFS ABC-PFS ABC-TGTH1 ABC-TGTH2 ABC-TGTH2-wm other components Updated ABC-TG-1-1 ABC-TG-1-2 ABC-TGC-1 ABC-TGCLD-1-* ABC-TGLD-1-1-* ABC-TGLD-1-2-* ABC-AH-*-1 Removed ABC-AS-*-1 ABC-CH-*-1 ABC-COMBIDON-*-1 ABC-CS-*-1 ABC-YK-* ABC-SC-1 ABC-SC-2 ABC-SC-3 ABC-SC-4 ABC-UH-*-1 ABC-US-*-1 ABC-SCB ABC-SCE 05.11.2014 ABC-PROTECT 60 fire damper Added to database (sizes 125-200) 17.10.2014 ABC-CR60 fire damper Added to database ABC-CU2 24.04.2013 ABC-VHS-Combi roof hood Added to database 26.03.2013 ABC-VHS roof hood Added to database ABC-YG/GL External louvres Added to database ABC-YK 03.09.2011 Changes for MagiCAD for Revit 2011.11 03.03.2010 Added support for MagiCAD Revit 20.12.2007 Error corrected 06.06.2007 Roof hoods Class Types changed External louvres to exhaust and outdoor 06.09.2006 ABC-SCB Fire damper Geometry corrected ABC-SCE ABC-SFB ABC-SFE 31.08.2006 ABC-SC-1 Flow damper Added to database ABC-SC-2 ABC-SC-3 ABC-SC-4 ABC-SF-1 ABC-SFK ABC-SCB Fire damper ABC-SCE ABC-SFB ABC-SFE 04.11.2005 Many products Technical data corrected 11.08.2005 ABC-UH-*-1 Roof hoods Added to database ABC-US-*-1 ABC-AH-*-1 ABC-AS-*-1 ABC-CH-*-1 ABC-COMBIDON-*-1 ABC-CS-*-1 ABC-FJ-*-1 ABC-JET-*-1 ABC-TG-*-1-* Roof inlet ABC-TGC-*-1 ABC-TGCLD-*-1-* ABC-TGLD-*-1-* ABC-YG-*X* External louvres Geometry added ABC-YGIG-*X* ABC-YGVZ-*X* 12.01.2004 Database created eof---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------