================================================================================================================================================ ETS NORD Product data ================================================================================================================================================ The newest file: ETS_NORD_25d.qpd For MagiCAD for AutoCAD version: 2020-> For MagiCAD for Revit version: 2022-> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - extract air devices - supply air devices - silencers - roof hoods (outdoor and exhaust) - other duct components - fire dampers - flow dampers - duct fittings This file contains the update history of the named datafile since 2013.10 (ETS_NORD_13a.qpd) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date Product Changes in brief 11.03.2025 Duct fittings Web links updated NTO-T EKP-T EKPK-T NV-T NI-T NIL-T NM-T ESD-T ESK-T ESS-T NPSK-T NPSV-T NSK-T NSKM-T EKOL EKOL-T NAL-T NALH-T NALM-T NALMH-T EKD-T EKK-T NFB-T NFBM-T NFCV-T NFCVM-T EKN-T EKM-T NTK-T NTKV-T 25.02.2025 Duct fittings Added to database EKT NTO EKP EKPK NV NVK NVK-T NVKP NVKP-T NVP NVP-T NI NIL ESD ESK ESS NPS NPS-T NPSK NPSV NSK NSKM NSN EKO EKOL NAL EKD EKK NFB NFC NFC-T NFCV NFCVM EKN EKM NTK NTKV NTO-T Updated connection type NV-T Added support for MagiCAD Connect for Revit NIL-T NM-T NPSK-T NSK-T NSKM-T NALMH-T NFBM-T NFCV-T NTK-T NTKV-T NFCVM-T NFB-T NALM-T NALH-T NAL-T NPSV-T NI-T 03.02.2025 Changes for Selection Tool 15.01.2025 Fire dampers 3D Geometry updated for MagiCAD installation point function FDMA-PM .40 FDMA-PM .50 FDMA-PM .80 FDMB .40 FDMB .50 FDMQ .40 FDMQ .50 FDMQ .80 FDMR .01 FDMR .40 FDMR .50 FDMR .80 FDMR-60 .01 FDMR-60 .40 FDMR-60 .50 FDMR-60 .80 FDMS .01 FDMS .40 FDMS .50 FDMS .80 SEDM .44 SEDM .54 SEDS-R .44 SEDS-R .54 16.12.2024 Exhaust device Added to database NG NG-T NK NK-T NP NP-T NTH Exhaust device Weblink updated NPC Extract device Added to database NG NG-T NK NK-T NP NP-T RSN-T Outdoor device Added to database NG NG-T NK NK-T NP NP-T Supply device Added to database LDC-1 LDC-2 LDW-1 LDW-2 NG NG-T NK NK-T NP NP-T RSL RSM RSO RSO 2x Flow damper KRI-T Added to database KRI 3D geometry upgraded Flow damper Weblink updated KRS-T KRTS-4 Other duct component Added to database ECM-T RSKT Other duct component Descriptions updated RVKS Other duct component Weblink updated EOZ Ozone Generator UHCT-*-100-*-1000 UHCT-*-100-*-1200 UHCT-*-100-*-1500 UHCT-*-100-*-800 UHCT-*-50-*-1000 UHCT-*-50-*-1200 UHCT-*-50-*-1500 UHCT-*-50-*-800 Silencer NRF-T 50-300 Added to database NRF-T 50-600 NRF-T 50-900 NRF-T 50-1200 NTF-T-300 NTF-T-600 NTF-T-1000 Silencer 3D Geometry updated NRF 100-300 NRF 100-600 NRF 100-900 NRF 100-1200 NRF 50-300 NRF 50-600 NRF 50-900 NRF 50-1200 14.10.2024 Changes for Selection Tool 22.08.2024 Fire dampers 3D Geometry updated for coming MagiCAD version FDMA-PM .40 FDMA-PM .50 FDMA-PM .80 FDMB .40 FDMB .50 FDMQ .40 FDMQ .50 FDMQ .80 FDMR .01 FDMR .40 FDMR .50 FDMR .80 FDMR-60 .01 FDMR-60 .40 FDMR-60 .50 FDMR-60 .80 FDMS .01 FDMS .40 FDMS .50 FDMS .80 SEDM .44 SEDM .54 SEDS-R .44 SEDS-R .54 08.08.2024 Silencer weight changed NTF 100-600 05.06.2024 Duct fitting Added support for MagiCAD for AutoCAD NTO-T NV-T NI-T NIL-T NM-T NPSK-T NPSV-T NSK-T NSKM-T NAL-T NALH-T NALM-T NALMH-T NFB-T NFBM-T NFCV-T NFCVM-T NTK-T NTKV-T 29.05.2024 Outdoor exhaust air device ULV2-D Product code updated, 3D model updated, variant added, weight added UVK 3D model updated, 3 variants added, variant codes updated, weight added Supply air device DKZ+SKDM Pressure and sound data updated for variant DKZ 315-600+SKDM 250-315 DRZ-1 Pressure and sound data updated for variant DRZ 750x300/250-1 DRZ-2 Dimension updated Other duct component Product code updated, 3D model updated, weight updated MKL-100-NxM-1000 KL-ExF MKL-100-NxM-1200 KL-ExF MKL-100-NxM-1500 KL-ExF MKL-100-NxM-800 KL-ExF MKL-50-NxM-1000 KL-ExF MKL-50-NxM-1200 KL-ExF MKL-50-NxM-1500 KL-ExF MKL-50-NxM-800 KL-ExF Duct tap removed from database ESDR-T Many products descriptions and websites changed 15.12.2023 Outdoor&Exhaust device New size 315 added RVD Supply air device Technical data updated DSK-P Silencer 3D model updated NRFB 29.11.2023 Supply air device 3D model updated DKZ DKZ+SKDM 13.09.2023 Supply air devices Added to database DDR DEN DKA DKC DPL 0° DPL 30° DPL 40° DPL 45° DPL 50° DPL 55° DPL 60° DPR 17.08.2023 Changes for Selection Tool 06.06.2023 Silencers Changes for Selection Tool MRCA/MRKA/MRPA 10.05.2023 Dilencers Changes for Selection Tool MSKI/MSPI 05.05.2023 Silencers Changes for Selection Tool MSKI/MSPI Supply air device Dimension corrected DSK 160 11.04.2023 EOZ Ozone Generator Added to database UVS Roof hood NPC Product code updated 08.03.2023 Changes for Selection Tool 01.02.2023 Silencers Added to database NRFV 50 Silencers Added for Selection tool MRCA/MRKA/MRPA MSC/MSK/MSP MSKI/MSPI 31.01.2023 Added to database Supply air device LTF 1 LTF 2 LTF 3 LTF 4 3D model improved Supply air device DOZ DOZ+SKDM 16.11.2022 Changes for Selection Tool 04.10.2022 Added to database RV modular (outdoor and exhaust) Overall update of descriptions (ENG, EST, FIN, SWE) and weblinks Removed from database outdoor exhaust ULV2K outdoor supply ULSK Changes for Selection Tool 29.09.2022 supply Added to database DOZ DOZ+SKDM 14.09.2022 Added to database Flow damper KRTS-4 KR4-S-D2 Upgraded to LOD Flow damper KR4-S KR4-S LE KR4 Changes to descriptions Flow damper KRI (Estonian) KRTM (Finnish) KR2 (English, Estonian, Finnish) KRS-T (English, Estonian, Finnish) 01.09.2022 Changes for Selection Tool 17.05.2022 Model updated and technical data corrected RV (outdoor and exhaust) outdoor RVR200 RVR300 RVR400 RVR500 ULS (outdoor) 3D model fixed Removed from the database RVR250 RVR350 RVR450 RVR550 RVR600 16.03.2022 Changes for Selection Tool 04.02.2022 other duct components Added to database TS-d NPC * RAL7000 Estonian description added NPC * RAL9010 RV RVA RVA rect RVC-L RVC-R RVD RVDV RVK RVS UHC Combi hood ULV2 ULV2K ULV2P UVE UVK 28.01.2022 Changes for Selection Tool 30.12.2021 supply & extract Added to database DEP DEP+SKDM 15.12.2021 Silencers Added support for MagiCAD for Revit 2022 NKL-600 NKL-1000 NKU-600 NKU-1000 Changes for Selection Tool 09.12.2021 exhaust hood UVK-1200 Connection size corrected 23.11.2021 Changes for Selection Tool 04.11.2021 roof hoods Removed sizes 125-250 (outdoor and exhaust) RVC-L RVC-R 08.10.2021 Silencers New sizes added, pressure drop added NRPB NRFB 30.09.2021 Changes for Selection Tool 14.09.2021 Changes for Selection Tool 13.07.2021 Changes for Selection Tool 07.07.2021 Changes for Selection Tool 29.06.2021 Silencers Pressure drop and sound generation updated NTPA 400-600 NTPA 500-600 NTPA 630-600 NTFA 400-600 NTFA 500-600 NTFA 630-600 NTPA 400-1000 NTPA 500-1000 NTPA 630-1000 NTFA 400-1000 NTFA 500-1000 NTFA 630-1000 NTP 400-600 NTP 500-600 NTP 630-600 NTF 400-600 NTF 500-600 NTF 630-600 NTP 400-1000 NTP 500-1000 NTP 630-1000 NTF 400-1000 NTF 500-1000 NTF 630-1000 16.06.2021 Fire dampers Added to database FDMA-PM .40 FDMA-PM .50 FDMA-PM .80 FDMB .40 FDMB .50 FDMQ .40 FDMQ .50 FDMQ .80 SEDM-L .44 SEDM-L .54 All fire dampers English descriptions updated, Finnish descriptions added Flow dampers: Sizes 80,140,180,225,280,355 removed RPM-V RPM-V-I Fire dampers: Sizes 150,450,560,710 removed FDMR .01 FDMR .40 FDMR .50 FDMR .80 Fire dampers: Size 150 removed FDMR-60- .01 FDMR-60- .40 FDMR-60- .50 FDMR-60- .80 Fire dampers: Sizes 450,560 removed FDMS .01 FDMS .40 FDMS .50 FDMS .80 Fire dampers: Sizes 180,280,355,450,560 removed SEDS-R .44 SEDS-R .54 27.05.2021 RVD Updated, Size 250L added FDMS .40 Electrical connetion added FDMS .50 KRTM 22.04.2021 DEK+SKDM Sound data updated DEZ DKZ DKZ+SKDM DRZ-1 DRZ-2 DSK, DSK-P DSS DSE 08.04.2021 RVL product code changed to RVR Changes for Selection tool 18.03.2021 other duct components: Added to database NTL Short NTL Medium NTL Long Extract air devices: removed from database BX-1H BX-2H Changes for Selection tool 08.01.2021 Changes for Selection tool 21.12.2020 Flow damper Added to database KRTM Outdoor Upgraded 3D, updated URS Geometry updated Supply DSK-P Outdoor&Exhaust Geometry updated, Product code updated RVC-L RVC-R NPC BX-1H (extract) Flow arrows direction corrected RVA (outdoor&Exhaust) sizes 800,1000 removed Fire dampers FDMS, FDMR sizes 80,140,180,225,280,355 removed 26.10.2020 Changes for Selection tool Fire dampers product families codes changed 15.10.2020 Added to database Exhaust air devices RVD RVDV Outdoor air devices RVD RVDS 25.09.2020 Added to database supply air devices DSP-120 DSP-2x60 DSP-360 other duct components MKLI-100-*-1000 MKLI-100-*-1200 MKLI-100-*-1500 MKLI-100-*-800 MKLI-50-*-1000 MKLI-50-*-1200 MKLI-50-*-1500 MKLI-50-*-800 UHCT-*-100-*-1000 UHCT-*-100-*-1200 UHCT-*-100-*-1500 UHCT-*-100-*-800 UHCT-*-50-*-1000 UHCT-*-50-*-1200 UHCT-*-50-*-1500 UHCT-*-50-*-800 fire dampers: FDMR.01 FDMR.40 FDMR.50 FDMR.80 FDMR-60.01 FDMR-60.40 FDMR-60.50 FDMR-60.80 FDMS.01 FDMS.40 FDMS.50 FDMS.80 SEDM.44 SEDM.54 SEDS-L.44 SEDS-L.54 SEDS-R.44 SEDS-R.54 flow dampers RPMC-V RPMC-V-I RPM-LV RPM-LV-I RPM-V RPM-V-I DSP-1 Removed from database DSP-2 DSP-3 DSP-4 07.09.2020 Changes for Selection tool 03.07.2020 Changes for Selection tool 26.06.2020 NRF 100-300 Added to database NRF 100-600 NRF 100-900 NRF 100-1200 NRF 50-300 Data added and model updated NRF 50-600 NRF 50-900 NRF 50-1200 09.06.2020 Changes for Selection tool 29.05.2020 UHC combi hood Added to database NKL-1000 NKL-600 NKU-1000 NKU-600 NTFA-300 NTFA-600 NTFA-1000 NTPA-300 NTPA-600 NTPA-1000 NTF-300 Description text misspelling corrected NTF-600 NTF-1000 NTP-300 NTP-600 NTP-1000 NKE-600 NKE-1000 25.05.2020 Changes for Selection tool 16.04.2020 Changes for Selection tool 20.03.2020 NTF-300 Added to database NTF-600 NTF-1000 NTP-300 NTP-600 NTP-1000 NKF-600 Deleted from database NKF-1000 NKP-600 NKP-1000 06.03.2020 DKZ+SKDM Sound data updated DEK Model updated DEK+SKDM 24.02.2020 DEZ Added to database DEK DEK+SKDM DKZ DKZ+SKDM DRZ-1 DRZ-2 19.12.2019 Models used in Selection tool Updated 26.11.2019 Added products for Selection tool: Supply air device S Extract air device HFK HKU Kitchen Hoods: HKR HKT HKU HKZ 26.04.2019 DSE Sound attenuation added DSS 17.04.2019 Products with old type of geometry models removed from MagiCAD Cloud Connect for Revit 13.03.2019 NPC Added to database RVC-L RVC-R EKP-T Updated EKPK-T NV-T EKM-T NTK-T NTKV-T RVB-L Deleted from database RVB-R 13.8.2018 DSK 160 Added to database DSK 200 27.03.2018 NTL Added to database 30.11.2017 Added to database DSP-1 DSP-2 DSP-3 DSP-4 20.04.2017 Many products Weblinks added 19.04.2017 KRI Added to database RVB 3D geometry updated 23.06.2016 ULK Pressure drop updated ULSK 25.05.2016 Added to database Supply air device DSK-P DSS Extract air device: DSE Exhaust air devices: RV RVA RVB-L RVB-R RVK RVS ULV2P Outdoor air devices: RV RVA RVB-L RVB-R RVL RVLU RVS Other duct components RVKS 25.05.2015 Added to database Extract air device: BX-2H Flow dampers: KR2 KRS Outdoor air devices: NGM-T NKM-T NPM-T RVUK Silencers: NKE L=600 NKE L=1000 Duct fittings: EKP-T EKPK-T EKT-T ECR-T ESD-T ESDR-T ESK-T ESS-T EKOL-T EKD-T EKK-T EKN-T EKM-T NTO-T NV-T NI-T NIL-T NM-T NPSK-T NPSV-T NSK-T NSKM-T NAL-T NALH-T NALM-T NALMH-T NFB-T NFBM-T NFCV-T NFCVM-T NTK-T NTKV-T 01.04.2014 Added to database ULV2 ULV2K UVE UVK ULK ULSK ULS URS UVE 26.11.2013 BX-1H Added as extract air valve 21.10.2013 Database created with listed products NKF L=600 NKF L=1000 NKP L=600 NKP L=1000 NRF 50 L=300 NRF 50 L=600 NRF 50 L=900 NRF 50 L=1200 NRFB 100 L=600 NRFB 100 L=900 NRFB 100 L=1200 NRP 50 L=300 NRP 50 L=600 NRP 50 L=900 NRP 50 L=1200 NRPB 100 L=600 NRPB 100 L=900 NRPB 100 L=1200 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